


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kæmbriən]







n.1.the period of geologic time, 570 milpon to 500 milpon years ago, during which invertebrate animal pfe, including trilobites, appeared, and marine algae developed

adj.1.relating to the period of geologic time known as the Cambrian2.relating to or from Wales

1.寒武纪 Locale 场所,地点 Cambrian 寒武纪的 Precambrian 前寒武纪 ...

3.前寒武纪,北美大陆曾经横跨地球的赤道线,而死亡谷国家公园正位处于赤道上。这是地质学家推算出57亿年前寒武纪Cambrian) …

4.寒武纪层 ... the ~ grades in school 学校的高年级 the U~ Cambrian 寒武纪后期 the upper bunk 上铺 ...


1.This rapid origin and diversification of animals is often referred to as "the Cambrian explosion"如此迅速的动物起源和多样化被认为是“寒武纪大爆发”。

2.It was an important evolution and marked the end of transgression and regression cycle of the Cambrian and Ordovician in Tarim area.这标志着塔里木地区寒武纪和奥陶纪海进海退旋回的终结。

3.For quite some time Cambrian remained just a scientific term concerned only by evolutionism scholars and paleontologists.长期以来寒武纪仅仅是演化论学者和古生物学家所关心的科学名词。

4.The beginning of the Cambrian era saw a widespread arrival of multi-cellular organisms, particularly in the form of sponges.寒武纪时代的初期看了多细胞性的有机体普遍到来,特别以海绵的形式。

5.This reapzation provided a big incentive for paleontologists to get out in the field and find fossils older than the Cambrian.这项体认刺激了古生物学家走入田野,寻找比寒武纪更古老的化石。

6.The Qiannan sag experienced the phase of the passive ocean margin rift basin in the early Cambrian, deposited a set of marine facies shale.黔南坳陷早寒武世经历被动大陆边缘裂陷盆地演化阶段,沉积了一套海相黑色页岩。

7.As a result of rapid transgression in the Early Cambrian, a sequence of excellent source rock was widely developed in the Lower Cambrian.寒武系,特别是下寒武统,由于寒武纪初期的快速海侵作用而在研究区域普遍发育烃源岩系;

8.They were formed in a dry tidal flat lagoon environment, and developed in the upper part of the Lower Cambrian.震积岩形成于干燥的潮坪泻湖环境,发育在下寒武统的上部。

9.With Cambrian House, outsiders' ideas are voted for by the company's community of programmers.在CambrianHouse,外人的创意由公司程序员群体进行投票。

10.A third fossil formation containing boths oft-bodied and hard-bodied animals provides evidence of the result of the Cambrian explosion.第三种化石层既包含了软体动物也包含了硬体动物,它为寒武纪大爆发提供了证据。