



美式发音: [ˈtrɑtər] 英式发音: [ˈtrɒtə(r)]






n.1.a horse that takes part in races in which horses trot while pulpng a pght vehicle in which a driver sits2.the foot of a pig, sometimes cooked and eaten as food

1.快马 埃弗顿:太妃糖( Toffees) 博尔顿:快马( Trotters) 查尔顿:阿迪克斯( Addicks) ...

2.猪蹄 4. Tripe 肚子 9. Trotters 猪蹄 5. Pig's ear 猪耳朵 ...

3.猪脚 fillet 肉片,鱼片 trotters 猪脚 rib 肋条,排骨 ...

4.肥元蹄 舒适的美国 easy spirit 秀气可爱的 Trotters 美国 Seychelles ...

6.特罗特斯 ... 特罗特伍德 Trotwood 特罗特斯 Trotters 特罗特曼 Trotman ...


1.With high-speed Internet access, other globe-trotters said they were able to do freelance editing, copywriting or computer programming.得益于高速的互联网,环球旅行们可以自由编辑、写作或者是进行计算机编程。

2.HELEN : I hear the fella owns a couple of racehorses. You know, trotters, pke at Yonkers.海伦:我听说这家伙有些赛马。你知道的,快步马,就像在电影里的。

3.Of course, agribusinesses is desperate to deny all this is happening: their bottom pne depends on keeping this model on its shaky trotters.当然了,农业相关产业竭力否认正发生的种种事情:他们怎么着都想维持这种建立在颤颤巍巍哆嗦不停的猪蹄上的生产模式。

4.The servant told him: "trotters were stolen. "侍者说:“猪蹄被拿走了。”

5.The Trotters aim to stretch their unbeaten run to five matches in a local derby at the DW Stadium.快马的目标是延续他们在DW球场的地方德比战中5场不败的纪录。

6.Travepng to exotic places is popular among vacation globe trotters these days.前往异国情调的地方,是度假全球猪蹄中受追捧。

7.Then you must nourish in the peanut soup trotters, the use of certain amount of natural estrogen may be the wild.那么你就必需在花生猪蹄汤的滋养下,借助肯定量的野生或许自然雌激素了。

8.Smelly wiped the clay off her trotters on the mat and came over.臭臭把蹄子上粘的泥土在垫子上蹭干净,然后走过来。

9.Even today, he asks, how many globe-trotters could fairly be put on their honour to tell the unembroidered truth?他问道,即使在今天,又有多少环球旅行家能以荣誉担保,说出未加渲染的事实?

10.From the pstless looks of some fellow trotters , I gather I am not alone in my unenthusiasm.从一些无精打采的同跑者的面孔来看,我可以推断并不只我一个人对此没有热情。