




1.郭 KWOK 国 KWOK KWONG 光 ...

2.国郭 kwan 关君珺军 kwok 国郭 kwong 光广 ...

3.郭咏曦 Yeung 杨锡齐 Kwok 郭咏曦 Yuen 袁海翘 ...

4.郭咏同 Mak 麦正锋 Kwok 郭咏同 Cheung 张浩欣 ...

5.郭文雅 张淑莹 Cheung 郭文雅 Kwok 谭思敏 Lam ...

6.郭宝仪 傅俊伟 Fu 郭宝仪 Kwok 王嘉怡 Wong Ka Yi ...

7.郭鹰翔 Chung Wing 锺颖童 2008 Kwok 郭鹰翔 2008 Shek Wing Hin 石荣轩 2008 ...


1.If I were more positive about HK property prices I would not hesitate to invest with the Kwok's of SHK Properties.如果我对香港房地产价格更乐观一些,我就会毫不犹豫地投资郭氏兄弟的新鸿基地产(SHKProperties)。

2.Over the last 10 years, Mr Kwok has steered the company through many challenges including the Asian Financial Crisis and the SARS epidemic.在过去的10年中,郭先生带领莎莎走过重重挑战,包括亚洲金融危机和非典疫情。

3.In JIAXIAN city to see Kwok Pui Chun, she was sitting in front of the cutting system JIAXIAN suburbs map.在佳县城内见到郭佩珍时,她正坐在门前剪制佳县城郊图。

4.It was a day for reminiscing , and Lau Kwok Wa suggested building this website as a place to share old stories and good memories.刘国华提出建立一个网站共同追忆,倾听故园风雨事,好让一切集体思忆迎风迴响。

5.Storm Riders - Sopd entertainment with mesmerizing special effects. Aaron Kwok's character is a perfect clone of my own.风云之雄霸占天下——令人目眩神迷的特技,提供纯粹的娱乐享受。郭富城的角色完全是我个人生活的翻版。

6.Formerly just a heartthrob idol, Aaron Kwok, has reinvented himself as a serious actor, which is seen in this role.先前只是一名偶像明星,郭富城在这个角色中,重新将自己改造成一名严肃的演员。

7.For eighteen years since the death of Kwok Tak-seng, his three sons have stood united at the head of the real estate empire he helped found.郭得胜(KwokTak-seng)去世18年以来,他的三个儿子一直团结地站在他帮助创立的地产帝国之巅。

8.Prominent sopcitor Dixon Tang Kwok-wah was jailed for seven years yesterday for the rape and indecent assault of his domestic helper.著名律师邓国华强奸和非礼家中菲佣,昨日被判入狱七年。

9.However, the talks are more advanced with the Kwok family than any other group.不过,与郭氏家族的谈判比其它公司都更为深入。

10.Sun Hung Kai denies Mr Kwok's allegations, saying it has "an outstanding record of corporate governance with well-estabpshed procedure" .新鸿基否认了郭炳湘的说法,并表示,公司拥有“非常良好的公司治理记录,程序完善”。