



[ accumulates ]

v.积累, 增加, 聚集


Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not clean regularly.


However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.


Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.


By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.



形容词: accumulable | 动词过去式: accumulated | 动词过去分词: accumulated | 动词现在分词: accumulating | 动词第三人称单数: accumulates |



形容词: accumulable | 动词过去式: accumulated | 动词过去分词: accumulated | 动词现在分词: accumulating | 动词第三人称单数: accumulates |


gather | amass | collect | store | hoard | accrue | pile up | increase | mount up | buildup | compile | assemble | add | aggrandize | amplify | stock | muster | garner | up | store up | aggregate | save | heap | pile | roll up | conglomerate | cumulate |


waste | dissipate |


动词 accumulate:

get or gather together

同义词:roll up, collect, accumulate, pile up, amass, compile, hoard

collect or gather

同义词:accumulate, cumulate, conglomerate, pile up, gather, amass


1. Through discussion, the greatly household-use oneself accumulates at ordinary times of zero spent money to buy some seedlings and tool, rush toward the park jubilantly.

* 经过讨论,大家用自己平时积攒的零花钱买了些树苗和工具,兴高采烈地向公园奔去。

2. The Y chromosome evolves from an autochromosome and accumulates male-related genes including sex-determining region of Y-chromosome (SRY) and several spermatogenesis-related genes.


3. "A minute counter" also uses 60 to enter the system counter, every time accumulates 60 minutes, sends out "the hour pulse" the signal, this signal is delivered "the hour counter".


4. "Discrimination against kids of color accumulates at every stage of the justice system and skyrockets when juveniles are, tried as adults," says Dan Macallair, a co-author of the new study.


5. Whenever it rains, a lot of water accumulates in the low-lying land.

一下雨, 洼地里就存了好些水。

6. It is obvious that the financial risk of a partial region accumulates to result in regional finance crisis, and may affect the financial stability of other region by the particular ways.


7. Below specifically looked edits accumulates machine the recommendation.


8. The following code example demonstrates a thread-safe method that accumulates a running total.


9. The following code example demonstrates a thread-safe method that accumulates a running total of Double values.


10. Not bragging about good deeds accumulates merits, as streams flow into the sea. Not mending minor flaws leads to failure, as a stone is worn away day by day, unnoticed.


11. Do not have oath , do not send here a life, only when the lovesickness accumulates a shallow lake, be the distance having no choice , enter the heart to the marrow.


12. Insufficient: Man of the part after art can appear epididymis Yu accumulates disease and unwell.


13. And contrary to others, he accumulates the images of the intervals, significant but not very spectacular instants.


14. The professional believed that this was not in one day finalizes a deal the signing quantity, should be long time accumulates becomes.


15. The total number of possible interactions between two or more members accumulates exponentially as the number of members increases.


16. The Center accumulates clinic experience carefully and explores actively, completed 3 scientific research and issued over 20 professional thesis.


17. From the angle of engineering, some key problems in harmonics detecting and compensating parts are studied, which accumulates much experience for the engineering use of APF.


18. At the mature pollen stage, certain amount of callose accumulates in cytoplasm of the vegetative cell.


19. Everybody accumulates stuff, and many of us have cluttered closets and drawers.


20. Artificial afforestation accumulates mushroom with the ground, it is the mainest feature that land of this one period uses variation.


21. The three higher planes of this constitution form the higher self and that is what reincarnates from life to life and accumulates the experience, the lessons, the virtues.

人的结构从物理层面到纯粹精神层面共有七个层次。Thoughts are tangible objects on higher planes.

22. Man seeks before gains, toils before succeds,accumulates before increases,and exhausts his efforts before he becomes a sage. Thus, a sage grows out of accumulation.


23. Cardiac tamponade, also known as pericardial tamponade, is a medical emergency condition where liquid accumulates in the pericardium in a relatively short time.


24. Eosinophilic pneumonia (EP) is a disease in which a certain type of white blood cell called an eosinophil accumulates in the lung.


25. Just touching and turning a prayer wheel brings incredible purification and accumulates unbelievable merit.


26. Today, commercial aircraft remove ice that accumulates on wings in-flight by redirecting hot air from the jet engines to the leading edge of the wings to keep them warm.


27. Through the Jintian reservoir main dam grouting ,the author sums up a feasible construction technique of dam slant drilling hole grouting , that accumulates experiences for future.


28. The enterprise changes management to sum commonweal sex character, alibaba meaning try in what carry Qing Chuan item, after be, similar aid item accumulates more experience.


29. But the positioning error of INS accumulates along with time.


30. Once released into the blood, it is filtered by the kidney, where it accumulates, blocks microscopic tubules and damages the organ, sometimes permanently.


31. But Google, through the sheer speed with which it accumulates the treasure of information, will be the one to test the limits of what society can tolerate.


32. Residential floor area is the summation that each level accumulates the residence.


33. As the designer of the first major public architecture project in China with full use of parametric design, not only enlightens the mind but also accumulates valuable experience in this field.


34. Have you noticed how fast dirty, crud, and general filth accumulates around your desk?It’s a dirt magnet I tells ya.


35. A study by an Ohio State University researcher shows that a person who marries--and stays married--accumulates nearly twice as much personal wealth as a person who is single or divorced.


36. Like the ballooning trade surplus, soaring FDI has become a key source of foreign exchange reserves that China accumulates rapidly.


37. Full-court gross area 2666.17 hectare, its intertill ground accumulates 467 hectare, area of hill field careless slope 2000 much hectare.


38. We must keep highly alert of the problems evoked by A, because once the harmful influence accumulates to a certain degree and then spread, it will surely threaten the development of the whole society.


39. Articulatory antrum accumulates blood to often also be one of this ill features, reach gambrel with genu the commonnest, acute period joint is swollen, painful, hot, constant but by accident examine is acute arthritis.


40. By turning the faucet down and reducing the deficit, the rate at which the debt accumulates will slow down, but the debt itself will still keep accumulating.


41. Has extremely good heat-stability and oxidation stabilitylanguage, keep the clean degree of piston, prevent the production that accumulates carbons and painting the membrane.


42. Tzatziki will stay fresh in the refrigerator for several days.If excess liquid accumulates on top, just pour it off.Stir each time before use.


43. Profit center [accounting] A responsibility center which accumulates revenues as well as costs.


44. Before Li Jia village is only 530 people, earthy floor accumulates nearly 10 thousand mus, its intertill ground 600 mus.


45. The most of oil and gas are injected in Caledonian and early Hercynian.In Himalayan tectogenesis oil accumulates before hydrocarbon splits.


46. Area area 131 square kilometer, its intertill ground accumulates 8044 hectare.


47. The hospital is well-equipped with advanced medical devices and accumulates abundant clinical experience, its medical technology takes a lead in China.


48. Stress accumulates Quietlywww.htygp.com boiling over at the worst moment when you didn't even realize it was there.


49. A point or place at which something originates, accumulates, or develops, as the center around which salts of calcium, uric acid, or bile acid form calculi.


50. A point or place at which something originates,accumulates,or develops,as the center around which salts of calcium,uric acid,or bile acid form calculi.


51. It is also known that DNA damage accumulates with age in cells of a ariety of tissue types.


52. Arterial blood pressure can be kept constantly by the action of pressure-diuresis when the excess accumul...


53. Possibly is the result which small accumulates wrongly.


54. Each district is in deepness development, it is the content of science and technology such as domestication pisciculture high advanced and practical technology gets bedding face accumulates promotion.


55. In the meantime, look laurel has tradition of the culture austral long mountain range, be bead outstanding culture accumulates trigonometry area tradition one of deeper area.


56. Adsorption is a process that occurs when a gas or liquid solute accumulates on the surface of a solid or a liquid (adsorbent), forming a film of molecules or atoms (the adsorbate).


57. Joyful giving subdues greed and makes good affinity. Compassion dissolves hate and accumulates merits.


58. Because the slow slips occur deep and at discrete intervals, they regulate the rate at which stress accumulates on the shallower part of the fault zone, which moves in fits and starts.


59. Clear fluid accumulates in a sac of tunica vaginalis lined by a serosa with a variety of inflammatory and neoplastic conditions.


60. Yinzaji also accumulates his European War goal number to 64, surmounts the Lowell 1 ball, becomes “the European War first shooter”.


61. The Chinese rice 77th minute suffers the attack, the Boolean pullshovel heating power, accumulates 2 yellow cards to punish but actually!

国米第77分钟又遭打击, 布尔迪索铲倒卡卡,累计2张黄牌被罚下!

62. After 5:0 defeats the UK team, Brazilian team present accumulates 10 point result by a three win draw to arrange at scoreboard second.


63. The tectonic transfer zones have a great control on petroleum in the extensional rifted basin and petroleum usually accumulates near these zones.


64. Better in Beijing orthopaedics hospital accumulates swag namely. . .


65. Below market economy condition, economic progress suffers what capital accumulates the rule to control necessarily, difference of inevitable meeting occurrence the rich and the poor.


66. Arginine accumulates extensively in some plants as a soluble amino acid.


67. At the same time, the author designs and realizes a prototype system of WebCAM using Java technology, which accumulates rich experiences for the future research.


68. Thickness of the layer of water which accumulates on a horizontal surface, as the result of precipitation, in the absence of infiltration or evaporation.


69. In eukaryotic cell,ORC1 accumulates in G1 and is degraded in S phase, but other ORC subunits remain at almost constant levels.


70. It accumulates in the amyloplasta of the endosperm cells during grain filling.


71. Something that accumulates or increases.


72. University are full of knowledge; the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away, and knowledge accumulates.


73. Universities are full of knowledge; the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away, and knowledge accumulates.


74. Accumulate University is full of knowledge; the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away, and knowledge accumulates.


75. University are full of knowledge;the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away,and knowledge accumulates.


76. University are full of knowledge; the freshmen bring a little in and the seniors take none away,and knowledge accumulates.


77. They will hardly know which facts to select from the great mass of evidence that steadily accumulates.


78. The sun will also burn off the etheric pus that accumulates in the process of ascension allowing one to feel rejuvenated.


79. Gross area of whole town land 1342.6 square kilometer, its intertill ground accumulates 23100 much hectare.


80. The rate at which new knowledge accumulates in biology is daunting.
