


v. 诅咒


动词 accurse:

curse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment

同义词:execrate, anathemize, comminate, anathemise, anathematize, anathematise


1. m accur

(=misce accuratissme) (拉)充分混合

2. Friendli fireisn't.Th onli thing more accur than incom enemi fire is imcom friendli fire.


3. Compared with the other water detectors,the coaxial line water detector based on phase is high in measurement accur...


4. It is very important to relocate the real positions of the hydrophones on seabed.First break second positioning technique can provide accur...

初至波二次定位方法 ,能够利用准确的速度模型和大量的数据进行冗余计算 ,从而提供准确的检波器位置 ,为后期的资料处理和解释增加可信度。

5. The equivalent load observed is fed back for resisting force load disturbance and raising the accur acy of the hydraulic position servo control.


6. Meanwhile with the help of modified gain function,the problem of instability caused by the unknowm of statistics of measurement noise is solved,which greatly improves the filter rate and accur.


7. The model's reasonableness and accur ac y have been proved by the experiment.


8. T he software synchronism sampling method based on real-time pa rameter self-optimizing minishes pe riod t runca tion e r ror, and the meas urement accur acy is improved .


9. The simulation-experiments have shown,it can be effectively used for online detecting tasks with higher accur...


10. Results show that severe accumulations of noncondensable gases in condensers do accur,which hamper flow and deteriorate heat transfer.


11. * manager supplier system in china.* be responsible for all orders from headquarter. ensure accur...


12. Thus a concept that an appropriate strategy should be applied to a special numerical simulation case to obtain most accur...


13. When early faults accur, the background noise is heavy, it is difficult to extract the latent periodic components successfully using second order cyclostationary analysis alone.


14. The journal beari ng dynamics and the original unbalance distribution are not necessary.The accur acy of the new method relies only on rotors model.


15. When magnetism accurs among the healer, moxa stick and patient, the moxa stick will be led to go along the meridian by the magnitsm to the places and points that need healing.


16. The experimental results show that the accur acy and processing speed are very promising.

最后对每一个候选区域根据人脸形状信息和 特征进行验证。

17. A comparative analysis of the experience of the two patterns of economic transformation is of significance for accur...


18. The Pharisees, who were always looking for a chance to accurse Jesus of unlawful behavior, pointed out that the disciples were doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.


19. However, problems do accur in this modern teaching method.The fascination of this method is weakened for It still does not fully meet the demands and expectations of both teachers and students.


20. Iillness,injury,love,lost (lot of?) moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all accur to test the limits of your soul.


21. Conclusion The spiral CT might be the effective and accur...


22. Conclusion Through the analysis of results,we may find out the problems and solve it in time to improve the accur...


23. It can serve as an ideal tool to study any complicated formg of optical waveguide and can enable one to obtain very hjag accur...


24. It could display the moisture content by meter in accordance with the varied conductivity signal.The experience results indicate that it possess good linear and could accur...


25. The analysis by a simplified model of the moist air in condenser finds that moist air can be oversaturated under some conditions, but fog will not accur.
