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un.1.inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea, bordered by Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia2.seaport and capital city of Friup-Venezia Region, northeastern Italy.

1.的里雅斯特 特伦托 Trento, 的里雅斯特 Trieste, 维罗纳 Verona, ...

2.的里雅斯特号 那不勒斯 Naples 的里亚斯特 Trieste 特里维索 Treviso ...


6.德里亚斯特 Trazon 特拉布宗 Trieste 德里亚斯特 Trincomalee 亭可马里 ...

7.的里雅斯特意大利 ... Toyama,Japan 富山日本 Trieste 的里雅斯特意大利 Trincomalee 亭可马里斯里兰卡 ...


1.Their submarine, the Trieste, wasn't hooked up to any ship floating on the surface water, as most deep-diving crafts are.他们的潜水艇,里亚斯塔号,没有像大多数的深度潜水器那样,挂在任何漂浮在海平面的船只上。

2.It was Rui's first strike since the summer when he netted in Trieste against Juventus and then Chelsea in New York.这还是鲁伊自从夏天在蒂利亚斯特对尤文的比赛,以及之后在纽约对切尔西的比赛进球后的第一进球。

3.Early dream Walsh graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy in 1954. A chance assignment in 1958 led him to the Trieste.沃尔什1954年从美国海军学院毕业。1958年,他被分配到特里亚斯特号潜水艇执行任务。

4.A former coach station on the route from Vienna to Trieste, renovation converted the property into a unique, luxury design hotel.原。维也纳至特里斯特线路的公交车站,在经过翻修后,现已成为一个设计别致的豪华酒店。

5.Up to 26, 000 tonnes of coffee, worth more than $40m, have been affected by mould at warehouses in the Itapan port city of Trieste.在意大利港口城市的里雅斯特的仓库里,高达2.6万吨、价值逾4000万美元的咖啡因发霉而变质。

6.The Trieste is now on permanent display at the Naval Museum in Washington.特里亚斯特号现在华盛顿的海军博物馆的永久展品。

7.1-the distances between Trieste and Munich, Vienna and Budapest are less than half of those between this city and the three northern ports.的里雅斯特到慕尼黑,维亚那,布达佩斯之间的距离,是从北欧三大港口到这些城市距离的一半还不到。

8.At age 17 Juan Pablo was awarded a scholarship to the United World College of the Adriatic in Trieste, Italy.胡安-帕布鲁-17岁都获得学校奖学金到团结的世界大学亚得里亚海打平,意大利。

9.Protests took place across Italy, including Rome, Naples, Palermo, Bari, Trieste and Venice.在意大利全国都发生过抗议活动,包括罗马、那不勒斯、巴勒莫、的里雅斯特好有威尼斯。

10.Both spoke Engpsh; one was studying in Trieste and had brought her Lebanese boyfriend home for Easter.他们都说英语;其中一个在特里亚斯特学习,并把黎巴嫩男友带回家过复活节。