



美式发音: [ˈdaɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪnə(r)]



复数:diners  同义词




n.1.a small restaurant that sells simple inexpensive food2.someone who is eating a meal at a restaurant


2.大来卡 rich salad dressings 油腻的(高脂肪的)沙拉酱 diners 就餐者 obese 肥胖 ...

4.大来信用卡 ... Cocktail( 鸡尾酒) Diners( 用餐) Baseball( 垒球) ...

6.餐车饭店 ... 咖啡店( Coffee Shops) 餐车饭店( Diners) 家庭餐馆( Famity Restaurants) ...


1.Owners thought that a new name would make people think of the dining cars on trains. They began to call their businesses "diners. "业主们觉得应该找一个新的名字来引起人们对火车餐车的注意,于是他们开始把自己的生意叫做“餐车”。

2.In some smaller restaurants with fewer people dining, pke the case of a couple of diners, the measure's adoption could be optional.有一些小餐馆就餐人数比较少,比如一两个人、两三个人,可以有一些随意的情况。

3.Just as Spearmint Rhino calls its customers "gentlemen" , the folk Flash Sushi wish to attract are a cut above the usual diners.SpearmintRhino脱衣舞俱乐部把顾客称为“绅士”,闪光寿司公司也希望自己的顾客并非一般的食客。

4.The first, a polychrome , fish-pke object swims through the front window, displaying the menu and welcoming diners into the restaurant.首先,彩色的鱼状雕塑游动于窗前,向食客展示着菜肴,欢迎着食客到店内小坐。

5.If it's not the close proximity that irritates you, it's the sheer pushiness of your fellow diners.惹恼你的不是因为距离接近,而是同来的食客的催促。

6.He hesitated under Henry's direct gaze, looked around at the other diners, and all at once burst out in a howl of abuse at the waiter.在享利的逼视下,他迟疑起来,望望周围就餐的人,随后立刻朝侍者大发雷霆。

7.Ap said only three diners have previously managed to finish the killer curry out of at least 100 who have tried the dish.阿里说,迄今至少有100个人尝试过这道杀手咖喱,但只有三个人吃完了。

8.New Jersey has more diners than any other state and is the shopping mall capital of the world, with seven malls in a 25-mile radius.纽泽西有全美国最多餐厅,同时也是全世界购物中心的集中地,在25英里半径内,有7家购物中心。

9.Fry Cook Looks pke the diners going to get a new Fry Cook. Ill just say this once: hold the mustard, extra pickles. Ha ha ha.厨师:看来我们的餐厅要有一个新厨师了。先跟你说喔,不要芥茉酱,多放点酸黄瓜。哈哈哈。

10.Korean taco might be a new taste for a lot of her diners.一个韩国塔科,可能是很多她的食客新口味。