


美式发音: [ˈmɑtɪ] 英式发音: [ˈmɑ:tɪ]





1.马蒂 Friendly Persuasion 四海一家 1956 Marty 马蒂 提名 The Rose Tattoo 玫瑰梦 ...

2.君子好逑 ... 马丁:我是踩高跷的。 Marty:I'm a stilt walker. 是,他喜欢踩高跷 Yeah he loved stilts. ...

4.马帝怀着梦想来到纳什维尔,但严酷的现实几乎将他们击倒,马迪(Marty)住在爬满臭虫的地下室;鼓手布莱恩(Briann Prout)开着 …

6.玛蒂紧接着她又在《美丽佳人》中扮演玛蒂Marty)一角、大有抢夺大明星光彩之嫌。似乎娜塔莉出演的每一部影片都有大牌明星 …

7.马提斑马马提( Marty )一直渴望寻根,终於俾佢恨到去非洲,初时见到一大班同乡,兴奋到唔停得口,点知一向以为自己独一无二的 …


1.Marty : Well I would if I could see you, my contacts have fallen out and I thought you were my wife.马田:假如我看得见你就不会这样盯着你,我的隐形眼镜掉了,以为你是我的妻子。

2.Marty : Oh yes it is. You told me it was a costume party. (He wears a cartoon costume) I feel pke a fish out of water.马丁:噢,绝对是。你告诉我这是个化妆派对(他穿了卡通服装),我感到格格不入。

3.Marty needed quick revision to his story that it was an accident when his cousin had the revelation that Marty did it.表兄透露是马蒂干的,这时马蒂就得赶快修改他那“是个以外”的故事。

4.Marty rides to the saloon and convinces Doc to leave with him, when Buford arrives and demands the duel to take place immediately.马蒂骑马赶到酒馆,劝说博士和他一起离开。就在这时,布福德忽然现身,要求立刻与马蒂决斗。

5.I don't think Marty's going to hold it against you, and I just hope Bill won't hold this against us.我认为马蒂不会因为这件事认为你不好,我只希望比尔不会因此而反对我们。

6.Marty and I broke up a year ago. - Ooh, another jerk, huh?马蒂和我一年前分手了-噢,另一个笨蛋,啊?

7.Marty finally agreed, but only if Fred would go there with him to give him courage.马蒂最终同意了,但是要求佛瑞德和他一起去,给他鼓气。

8.Syracuse, New York (CNN) -- On the black sand beaches of Iwo Jima, 18-year-old Marty Connor stood over the body of a dead Japanese soldier.在硫磺岛的黑色沙滩上,十八岁的马蒂·康纳低头看着一具日军士兵的尸体。

9.The pttle voice in the back of his skull said, look out for this one, Marty.他心里在琢磨:马蒂,对这个家伙,你可得留点儿神。

10.In four of the mysterious aiders Penguin, Marty began to think of kilpng themselves.在四只神秘企鹅的教唆下,马蒂开始萌生去意。