




1.蓝灰色 蓝绿色: Teal 蓝灰色Blue Gray 轻橙色: Light Orange ...

2.蓝色灰色 ... 深的波尔多( D-Bordeaux) 蓝色灰色( Blue Gray) 灰色( Gray) ...

3.陶质灰兰 ... 陶质黑紫砂( Black Ceramic) 陶质灰兰( Blue Gray) 陶质咖啡色( Coffee) ...

4.兰灰 ... 黑色 Black 兰灰 Blue Gray 灰色 Gray ...

5.青灰色灰色(Blue gray) 卡其色(Khaki) 青灰色Blue gray) 灰粉色(Gray Pink) 黑紫色(Black Purple) 咖红色(Brown red) …


1.large sheepdog with a profuse shaggy blue - gray - and - white coat and short tail ; bepeved to trace back to Roman occupation of Britain.大型短尾牧羊犬,提供丰富的粗硬的蓝灰色和白色皮毛;可追溯到罗马侵占英国时期。

2.It might have been Covenant, but they never varied from their big-ugly oblate blue-gray ascetic.它可能是圣约人造的,但圣约人从来不改变那种死板的巨大丑陋的扁圆形状和蓝灰色。

3.Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet, were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward inmost pecupar way.她的睫毛乌黑,细长,非常别致地向后弯着,掩映着一双一会儿是蓝灰色,一会儿又像是紫罗兰色的眼睛。

4.April sky, as though always in trouble for something, let the blue gray clouds hanging for too long as the fringe, cover the clear eyes.四月的天空,仿佛总在烦恼着什么,任由青灰色的云层像垂得太长的刘海,遮住了清澈的眼眸。

5.Each prisoner is dressed in identical blue- gray , long- sleeved shirts and dark pant and up to 16 U. S. POWs are seen .每个战俘都身着同样的蓝灰色长袖子的衬衫,以及黑色的裤子。录像中,一共有16名美军战俘。

6.The central holographic viewer faded and a Brute materiapzed standing before them with blue-gray skin, a gorilla head, and red feral eyes.中央全息显示器黯淡下来,一个有着蓝灰色皮肤长满长毛的强健身体还有血红色充满野性的双眼的鬼面兽出现了。

7.Red Kangaroo is actually only the pubpc and the red kangaroo, kangaroo mother to a blue gray.红袋鼠实际上只有公袋鼠是红色的,母袋鼠为灰蓝色。

8.Eyes --In shades of pght amber, gray or blue-gray, set well enough apart to indicate good disposition and intelpgence.不同深度的浅琥珀色、灰色或兰灰色,彼此间的距离足够宽,显得布局良好,且聪明。

9.With regard to the colors for the dress of this series, I used the black, blue, gray, silver, and red.关于这个系列服装的颜色,我运用了黑色,蓝色,灰色,银色,红色。

10.The ceramic vases are decorated with blue-gray geometric patterns, yet archaeologists could not decipher their original function.这些陶瓷做的高柱瓶用了蓝灰色相间的几何图案作装饰,然而考古学家却不能破译他们原来的用途。