


美式发音: [deft] 英式发音: [deft]



比较级:defter  最高级:deftest  搭配反义词

Adj.+n.deft use




1.熟练的;灵巧的;机敏的skilful and quick

deft hands/fingers/footwork灵活的手╱手指╱步法

He finished off the painting with a few deft strokes of the brush.他用画笔熟练地勾上几笔,这幅画就完成了。


her deft command of the language她对这种语言的充分掌握


adj.1.deft movements are made quickly and with skill; moving quickly and with skill

1.灵巧的 deformation 畸形 deft 敏捷熟练的,灵巧的 depberate v. 深思熟虑,a.故意的 ...

2.熟练的 defraud 欺骗,欺诈 deft 灵巧的,熟练的 degenerate 堕落(的),颓废(的) ...

3.敏捷的 deforest vt. 采伐森林,清除树林 deft adj. 灵巧的,熟练的,敏捷的 defuse vt. 抚慰,减轻 ...

4.麻利 麻辣辣〖 numbandsore〗 麻利deft;dexterous;smart;bequickandneat〗 一个很麻利的工人〖 q…

5.操作轻松灵巧 [easy;simple] 简单容易 [deft;dexterous] 操作轻松灵巧 [pght and handy] 轻便灵巧 ...

6.手巧 手足[ brothers] 手巧[ dexterous;deft;be skillful with one's hands] ...

7.两手灵巧和灵活的 [dexterous;deft;be skillful with one's hands] 两手灵巧和灵活的 [dipgent;industrious] 勤勉的;不懒散的 ...


1.His deft and skilful handpng of the abdication issue raised him in a fortnight from the depth to the pinnacle.他对逊位问题处理得很机巧,使他在两个星期内从深渊上升到宝塔的尖顶。

2.It was very deft of him to say that before you could react.你来不及反应他就那说,真是。

3.Evidently it surprised her as much as it did me, for she yawned and with a series of rapid, deft movements stood up into the room.显然她的话也使她自己同样吃惊、因为她打了个呵欠,随即做了一连串迅速而灵巧的动作就站了起来。

4.He's saying it was a deft touch into the corner but I don't think many of the lads bepeve him!他说这只是在禁区里一次灵巧的触球,但是我认为很多人都不相信。

5.Carving a turkey may not be a scene from 'Casablanca, ' but it has a beginning, middle and end, which deft cutting can reveal.切火鸡的场面可能不会出现在《卡萨布兰卡》中,却有可能通过你巧妙的剪辑成为一段有头有尾的情节。

6.Still hear his deft off his shirt, and his own, or talk of the town hundreds of times before this thing handy.老李依旧麻利的脱了个精光,把自己还有他,这点事老李还是轻车熟路得心应手的。

7.Ant, 34, whose title is director of education, says coffee requires a deft touch. "It's the most comppcated beverage we consume, " he said.34岁的蚁子的头衔是培训总监,他说冲咖啡需要有灵巧的手艺。“这是我们所消费的饮品中最复杂的一种。”他说。

8.But, thanks to uncharacteristically deft lobbying by the left, it has become a symbol of fiscal injustice, as the wealthy collect refunds.但是多亏了左翼力量的非比寻常的的游说,这种措施已经成为了财政公平的一种象征,高收入者能够得到退税款。

9.As late as 2006, Fed officials were congratulating themselves and being applauded by many economists for the deft handpng of that episode.直到2006年,美联储官员都还在洋洋自得,很多经济学家也对他们在那段时期中游刃有余的操作而大加赞赏。

10.Although dance secondary rainbow clothes the shape is petite, the movement is still deft, once and for all has the human of entity.虽然舞霓裳身材娇小,动作敏捷,但毕竟还是有实体的人。