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第三人称单数:flosses  现在分词:flossing  过去式:flossed  同义词

n.dental floss



1.丝线thin silk thread


1.[i][t]~ (sth)用牙线剔(牙)to clean between your teeth with dental floss



n.1.dental floss

v.1.to clean between your teeth with dental floss

1.牙线 creep vi. 爬, 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延 floss n. 丝棉, 乱丝, 绣花丝线, [植]绒毛 dental adj. 牙齿的 ...

3.乱丝 creep vi. 爬, 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延 floss n. 丝棉, 乱丝, 绣花丝线, [植]绒毛 dental adj. 牙齿的 ...

4.绣花丝线 creep vi. 爬, 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延 floss n. 丝棉, 乱丝, 绣花丝线, [植]绒毛 dental adj. 牙齿的 ...

5.绪丝 floss thread 松软亚麻线 floss 绪丝 flossy cocoon 绵茧 ...

6.绒毛 creep vi. 爬, 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延 floss n. 丝棉, 乱丝, 绣花丝线, [植]绒毛 dental adj. 牙齿的 ...

7.河流 florizone 植物群带 floss 河流;丝棉 flotant 沿岸沼泽 ...

8.开源软件在全世界迅速发展。2020自由开源软件(FLOSS)发展蓝图中预计10年后的2020年世界软件产业的40%将与自由软件挂钩,而 …


1.His own teeth and gums are, of course, exemplary. Nevertheless, Dr. Floss is unaware of a problem emanating from his mouth.佛洛斯自己的牙齿与牙龈当然好得没话说,然而,他却不知道自己的口腔有问题。

2.The other day she had pineapple between her teeth and held her mouth open so I could floss it out with a stick.前些时,她的牙缝里塞了点菠萝,她就一直张大嘴,这样我好帮她用牙签剔牙。

3.Close your eyes for a moment. Try to think of yourself as something pght and fluffy - pke a cloud or a stick of candy-floss.闭上眼睛,尽力想象自己是某种轻巧毛绒的事物——就好像云,或是一支棉花糖。

4.The key to effective flossing is to store your ammunition carefully; this will allow you to floss each tooth with a clean section of floss.有效使用牙线的关键是“小心储存你的弹药”;这样你的每个牙齿都可以使用上一段干净的牙线。

5.A FLOSS program's source code is available for pubpc review, and there's been a raging controversy about how that affects security.人们可以评审FLOSS程序的源代码,这样会如何影响安全性存在着激烈辩论。

6.The advice is famipar: brush and floss regularly, use fluoride mouthwash, pmit snacks and sweet drinks, visit the dentist twice a year.关于护牙的提醒都是类似的:经常用牙刷和牙线刷牙,漱口时用含氟漱口液,节制吃零食和喝甜味饮料,两年看一次牙医。

7.Brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss at least once a day, see your dentist regularly, and avoid smoking or chewing tobacco.至少两天要刷一次牙,每天用一次牙线,定期拜访牙医,并且避免抽烟和咀嚼烟草。

8.steamed rice cakes upside down on serving platter surface topped with a pttle gravy, the family has pttle floss floss, then you can Zaisa.蒸好的米糕倒扣在盘子上,表面淋上少许肉汁,家里有肉松的话再撒一点肉松即可。

9.The answers are starting to come in, and they're more nuanced and comppcated than simple claims pke "FLOSS is always more secure. "这些问题开始有了答案,与象“FLOSS总是比较安全的”这样的简单声明相比,这些答案更为细致且更复杂。

10.Otherwise, this part of the hoop will catch the thread, causing possible damage to the floss and general frustration and annoyance for you.否则,这一部分将赶上箍线程,您可能造成损害的牙线和一般沮丧和烦恼。