


美式发音: [vɪr] 英式发音: [vɪə(r)]




第三人称单数:veers  现在分词:veering  过去式:veered  同义词

v.change course,turn,swing,swerve,bend



1.[i]+ adv./prep.突然变向;猛然转向to change direction suddenly

The bus veered onto the wrong side of the road.公共汽车突然驶入了逆行道。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.偏离;改变;转变to change in the way it develops

The debate veered away from the main topic of discussion.争论脱离了讨论的主题。

His emotions veered between fear and anger.他的情绪变化不定,一会儿恐惧一会儿生气。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.改变方向to change direction

The wind veered to the west.风向转西。

v.1.(意见,感情等)转变,改变 (round)2.(风)转变方向;【气】风向(按时针方向)顺转;【航】掉转船尾向着风;顺风换抢3.使转变方向;【航】把(船尾)转向风;使处顺风方位4.放松(锚,缆等) (away; out)1.(意见,感情等)转变,改变 (round)2.(风)转变方向;【气】风向(按时针方向)顺转;【航】掉转船尾向着风;顺风换抢3.使转变方向;【航】把(船尾)转向风;使处顺风方位4.放松(锚,缆等) (away; out)


v.1.to suddenly move in a different direction; used for saying that the wind starts blowing from a different direction2.to change in a sudden or noticeable way, for example in your opinion or mood

1.转向 tart 酸的, 尖酸 veer (风, 观念)转向 window 窗户 ...

2.改变方向 vault n. 地窖,拱形的屋顶 veer v. (风)改变方向,转向 vehemence n. 激 …

3.风行者 tantapze:vt. 逗弄, 使干着急 21。 veer:vi. 转向, (风向)顺(时针)转 frigidly:adv. 冷淡地, 呆板地 23。 ...

6.变向 sauerkraut 泡菜 veer 改变方向;转向;变向 Holy Toledo adj. [口]好极了 ...


1.Actually as a good, general rule, unless you're super confident, it tends to be better to veer towards more ordinary fonts.实际上一个有效总体原则就是除非你自信满满,否则还是选择一些更为普通的字体。

2.A pair of coevolutionary creatures chasing each other in an escalating arms race can only seem to veer out of control.一对共同进化的生物之间互相算计,其不断升级的军备竞赛看来似乎只能滑向失控的结局。

3.Those ponds will be the fulfillment of 28 years of single-minded advocacy by Veer Bhadra Mishra, one of the Ganges' best-known protectors.那些池塘将会满足恒河著名保护者之一的维尔·巴赫达·米斯拉(VeerBhadraMishra)28年来的执著倡议。

4.Here is Salman Khan in a promotional event for his upcoming film Veer sporting T-shirt combined with a waist coat and a topi .以下是沙尔曼汗的推广活动,为他即将上映的电影韦埃尔运动的T腰外套,一托皮联合衬衫。

5.If the plane is landing and one wheel touches down first, the plane has a tendency to veer off in the direction of that wheel.如果着陆时起落架只有一只主轮前触地,这时,飞机有向此轮子一边转弯倾向。

6.Unpke some smartphones that offer both a physical keyboard and a virtual keyboard, the Veer only works with a physical keyboard.与一些既有实体键盘也有虚拟键盘的智慧手机不同,Veer只配备有实体键盘。

7.Otherwise, investments can take on a pfe of their own and veer out of apgnment with enterprise goals and strategy.否则投资将承担其自身的命运,并且脱开与企业目标和策略的结合。

8.In a few steps, I had my email from two Google Gmail accounts, a Hotmail account and a . Mac account set up on my Veer.经过短短几个步骤后,我便在Veer上建立了两个谷歌(Google)Gmail邮箱、一个Hotmail和一个.Mac邮箱并接收了邮件。

9.But the ambitious aircraft instead illustrates how the Pentagon can let huge and complex programs veer out of control.然而这架身负厚望的飞机却显示出,五角大楼是如何让巨大而复杂的项目逐步失控的。

10.Anil admits he never wanted Salman's favourite composers Sajid-Wajid to do the music of "Veer" .阿尼尔承认,他从来都不想萨勒曼最喜爱的作曲家塞吉德,瓦基德做音乐“韦埃尔”。