


美式发音: [ˈɡʌlf ˌstriːm] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Company]Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, an American producer of jet aircraft2.[Brands and Products]used as a product name of certain jet aircraft

1.湾流 加拿大庞巴迪公司 Bombardier 美国湾流 Gulfstream 亚飞太平洋 Avion Pacific ...

7.湾流喷射机台湾富豪的私人飞机大都是采购湾流喷射机GulfStream)为最多,每架要价大约介於13到15亿新台币左右,现在一位中东国 …


1.In 2000, Jobs got 10 milpon stock options and a Gulfstream V airplane "in recognition of his service to the company. "2000年,乔布斯因对苹果公司的贡献而获得1000万优先认股权和一架湾流(Gulfstram)V型飞机。

2.On Wednesday, Starbucks said it would sell two of its three corporate jets, a Gulfstream 550 and a Gulfstream V, to save money.周三,星巴克公司宣布为了节约成本将出售其三架飞机中的两架:湾流550型和湾流四型飞机。

3.Fayed's private Gulfstream jet transported five sacks of sand to Finland to make a beach for the Fayed children, only to be swept away.法耶德的湾流型私人喷气飞机将五袋沙子运到芬兰以为他家的孩子们造一片沙滩,结果只是沙子被海水冲走。

4.Mr. Weill bought Primerica in 1988, lured in part by the prospect of gaining access to the company's Gulfstream corporate jet.威尔在1988年收购了Primerica,在某种程度上是受到进入该公司Gulfstream公务机前景的吸引。

5.Gulfstream, a unit of Falls Church, Virginia-based General Dynamics Corp.湾流宇航是通用动力公司的子公司。

6.If you'd loan me your Gulfstream, I'll rip its wings off and generate you a megawatt.如果你能把湾流喷射机借我,我会把它的翅膀折掉,然后为你生产一千瓦特。

7.The current leader in the Chinese market is Gulfstream, a division of General Dynamics Corp.目前在中国市场的领先者是通用动力公司(GeneralDynamicsCorp)旗下的湾流航空公司(Gulfstream)。

8.To date, he has photographed over 200 Gulfstream aircraft alone.到目前为止,仅“湾流”飞机他就拍了二百多架。