




1.内伤 默哀 stand in silent tribute 内伤 internal injury 耐震 seismic restraint ...


4.伤科内伤 internal friction 内耗 internal injury 伤科内伤 internal speech 内部言语 38. ...

5.内部伤害内部伤害(internal injury)只有在载明并发表浅性伤害(superficial injuries)和(或)开放性伤口,方以“内部伤害”作为“主要病况”译码…


1.Little 8 old womens hurry to take a medicine to come over and all threw up blood, don't know as well isn't an internal injury.少八婆,快点去拿药过来,都吐血了,也不知道是不是内伤了。

2.If you notice any of the signs of internal injury (see below), call your doctor immediately.如果您发现任何内伤的迹象(见下文),立即打电话给你的医生。

3.Stagnation of vital energy results from the internal injury of the seven emotions, and disharmony of pver and spleen, etc.气结是因七情内伤,肝脾不和等原因所引起的气机郁结,留滞不行。

4.If your child can't be awakened or shows any signs of internal injury (see below), call the doctor or an ambulance.如果您的孩子不能被唤醒,或显示任何内伤的迹象(见下文),呼叫医生或救护车。

5.This sickness works as the resolution external disease factors cough and the internal injury cough.本病首当分辨外感咳嗽和内伤咳嗽。

6.Infection external injuries influences and internal injury diet.感染外邪与内伤饮食。

7.Why does that force oneself to look cheerful can result in the internal injury?为什么自己的力量寻找快乐会导致内伤?

8.MenstruationIll formation every with affection annals internal injury is main pathogeny.月经病的形成每以情志内伤为主要病因。

9.Not only easily by external disease factors, internal injury various kind of cause of disease injury, but pathogenesis.不仅容易被外感、内伤诸种病因伤害而致病。

10.Not this south temple when the red maple and others fight, suffered from serious internal injury, is curing at this time?非这南宫红枫与人战斗之时,受了严重的内伤,此时正在疗伤?