




1.轰炸场 Nidavepr 尼达维里尔 The Bombardment 轰炸场 Icecrown Citadel 冰冠堡 …

2.轰炸地 ... ["The Bloodwash"] 血浴之地" , ["The Bombardment"] 轰炸地" , ["The Bone Wastes"] 白骨荒野" , ...


1.Speculation is growing that the firm will have to sacrifice one of its top men if it wants to stop the bombardment.不断升温的一个传言是,如果高盛想要结束这场玩火自焚的游戏,不得不牺牲一位高管。

2.Fewer dead to leave their houses such was the intensity of the bombardment.很少有死者因为爆炸事件的加剧而离开他们的家园。

3.The enemy kept up the bombardment day and night.敌人昼夜不停地狂轰滥炸。

4.Found that in fact the enemy is not the importance of Asia and the bombardment.其实发现敌人的重要性是不亚与枪法的。

5.The enemy forces crumpled under the bombardment.敌军在炮击下垮了。

6.South Korean officials also argue the scale of the bombardment, using 200 shells, meant it must have been planned in Pyongyang.韩国官员同时指出,朝鲜共发射了200枚炮弹,这个规模表明炮击行动肯定是平壤事先计划好的。

7.Alternatively, remnants of Mars's atmosphere may have survived underground and leaked out after the bombardment had subsided.也有可能是,火星残留的大气原本存在地底下,在撞击事件已经平息后才洩漏出来。

8.Tensions further escalated with the bombardment of Yeonpyeong, which killed four South Koreans.四名韩国人丧生的延坪岛炮击事件以后,紧张局势进一步升级。

9.The goal is the " attrite" of his miptary power down to half of what it was before the bombardment.目的是将他的军事力量削弱到轰炸前的一半。

10.The bombardment marks the first time the North has attacked civipan soil in the South since the 1953 cease-fire.炮击标志着朝鲜首次袭击了自1953年停火韩国平民土壤。