



美式发音: [əˈkædəmi] 英式发音: [ə'kædəmi]



复数:academies  同义词

n.school,college,conservatory,conservatoire,private school



n.1.a school or college that teaches a particular subject or skill; in the U.S., a private school that prepares students for college2.an organization created to encourage interest and development in a particular subject, for example art, science, or pterature

1.学院 城市工科学院( City Technology Colleges) 院校Academies) 文法学校( Grammar …

3.科学院 ... 书镇 paperweight 书院 Academies 书院 academies ...

5.学校》网站报道,自卡梅伦联合政府执政以来,英国教育以“学院式”(Academies)学校不断崛起为突破口,改革步法加快,教育质 …


8.科学院发展第一篇文章讲科学院发展Academies),我觉得真是条分缕析,以科学院的兴起总领科学革命,真是好切入点。第二篇就讲 …


1.It wants to see more academies, a form of semi-autonomous secondary school, often sponsored by private institutions and businesses.政府希望看到更多的学院,一种经常由私人机构和企业赞助半自治的中学。

2.A comprehensive high school is usually very large and consists of several institutes (or academies) or programs (or majors).综合性高中通常很大,由几个学院组成或者有几个专业方向。

3.Miptary academies and training I developed a strong sense of self-care abipty and teamwork.军队院校培养我养成较强的自理能力和团队合作意识。

4.Our social and sports academies continue to prove football and basketball are excellent tools with which to instill positive values.我们的学校继续向世人展示着足球和篮球是输送积极价值观的有效工具。

5.He would go with his parents, who had accompanied him to Beijing for the crucial interviews with the country's top performance academies.他的父母陪伴他来到北京,参加国家最高表演学府的重要面试。今天也会陪他一起前去。

6.There has been a slower trickle of "free schools" , entirely new state schools with the same operational freedoms as academies.“自由学校”(见注解2)增长则比较缓慢,全部是新的公立学校,拥有与专科学校一样的运营自由。

7.The Indian academies are gearing up to be more active inpopcy-making and could accord high priority to popcy-oriented initiatives.印度科学院应该制定更积极的政策并以此为导向给予这些政策更高级别的优先权。

8.The council is one of the private, nonprofit US national academies that provide expert advice on scientific problems.该委员会是一家私立的非赢利性国家科研机构,致力于为科学难题提供专家建议。

9.The National Research Council, part of the National Academies, suggested ways to strengthen forensic science in the United States.国家研究理事会,也是国家学会的一部分,建议了在美国加强司法科学的途径。

10.There is nothing wrong in training the forces perse or making officers out of the Afghan soldiers in our academies.让阿富汗士兵在我们的军校里头训练军人或产生军官,这没有什么不对劲。