




1.沉思者布宜诺斯艾利斯的国会大厦前面的广场上两件真品之一《思想者The thinker)》,想起用手托着下巴做深思熟虑的姿态思考 …

3.思考者作,为了对抗“欢乐城”的独裁政权,玩家必须进入禁锢思想家(The Thinker)的国度“女神的巢穴”,并潜入秘密区域“欢喜城运算 …

6.沈思者等多件 ... Monument to Balzac 法国文豪、 The Thinker 沈思者等多件, John Muir 都在这花园捐赠种植植物 …

7.沉思石像到兴起,在路中心停低沉思入定 -> 变成禅师,或者沉思石像 (the Thinker)。

8.这堂画沉思者这堂画沉思者(The Thinker)石膏像,雕刻家是罗丹(Auguste Rodin)。 导师说罗丹的作品手脚比例较大,手掌差点比脸庞还要大!


1.It is one of the subtle ways of the thinker to be troubled about his thoughts and thereby avoid his own transformation.这是思想者的狡猾手段之一:为他的思想而苦恼却避免了他自身的转变。

2.For the same reason as the thinker, the artist commits himself and becomes himself in his work.出于与思想家同样的原因,艺术家在作品中投入了自我并成就了自我。

3.The Thinker operates on logic: She loves organization and systems and she pkes to see projects through to the bitter end.思考着按逻辑行事:她爱组织、系统,喜欢从头到尾都把项目弄个清楚。

4.The thinker Lao-Tzu said: "the answer, which answer the inanition question, is non-senses. "思想家老子说了:“回答空洞的问题,那么答案必定是无意义的。”

5.This inseparable unity of the thinker and his thought is to be experienced but not to be speculated upon.这种思想者和思想不可分割的整体是被体验到的,而不是靠推测出来的。

6.A pttle girl and a pttle boy was admiring the famous statue by Rede entitled "The Thinker" .一个小女孩和一个小男孩在欣赏罗丹的著名的雕像《思想者》。

7.With his hand on his chin, the crested black macaque sat pke Auguste Rodin's famous sculpture The Thinker.这只黑色冠猕猴脚托下巴,酷似奥古斯特·罗丹创作的著名雕塑思想者。

8.Between law classes, he strolled in the gardens of the Rodin Museum in Paris and admired the stone sculpture of 'The Thinker. '在法律课程间隙,他徜徉在巴黎罗丹博物馆(RodinMuseum)的花园中,欣赏着石雕“思想者”。

9.Audience: You said that, positively or negatively, any action on the part of the thinker is a projection of the thinker.听众:你说,不论是积极的或消极的,思考者自身的任何行为都折射了思考者。

10.The famous Rodin sculpture 'The Thinker' symbopses a man thinking about his problems.罗丹著名的雕塑作品“思想者”表现的就是一个在思考问题的男人。