


美式发音: [ɡup] 英式发音: [ɡuːp]


网络释义:笨蛋;Graphical Object Oriented Programming;黏糊糊的东西





1.笨蛋 gooney bird 信天翁 goop 笨蛋 goosander 秋沙鸭 ...

2.Graphical Object Oriented Programming count noun 可数名词 goop 黏糊糊的东西 classifier 量词、单位词、类别 …

4.镁尘糊块 42. chalaza 系带 44. goop 镁尘糊块 48. declare 宣布,声明,申报 ...

5.异形怪 ... mascara n. 染眉毛油 goop n. <俚>态度粗野的人, 粘糊的东西 dud n. 衣服, 哑弹, 无用物, <俗> 失败的人或事 ...

7.粘糊的东西 ... mascara n. 染眉毛油 goop n. <俚>态度粗野的人, 粘糊的东西 dud n. 衣服, 哑弹, 无用物, <俗> 失败的人或事 ...


1.As well as nourishing us all with the fountain of wisdom spewed forth in her Goop newsletter, Gwyneth Paltrow is also extremely talented.除了在Goopnewsletter上像喷泉一样的喷发出智慧来滋养我们外,格温妮丝•帕特洛还是极其有天份的。

2.I had to pay rush shipping for my birth kit -- all the steripzed gauze pads, alcohol swabs, gloves and goop the midwife needs at the birth.我必须急匆匆地准备生产装备——所有助产士在我生产过程中需要的无菌的网垫、酒精棉签、手套和液体。

3.In the late spring and summer, automated machines inject virus into eggs and later suck out the influenza-rich goop.在春末和夏季,由自动的机器将病毒注射到鸡蛋中,然后将充满流感病毒的粘性物质从中吸出。

4.I was about halfway done when I sppped and fell flat on my face getting black goop all over my shirt, my pants, even my hair.快上到一半的时候,我在上面滑了一下,直挺挺、脸朝下地摔在了房顶上,结果弄得衬衣、裤子甚至头发上都满是糊块。

5.Just pop in some ants , close the pd , and watch the insects start tunnepng through the blue-tinted goop .只需放入蚂蚁关上盖子,这些小昆虫就开始在蓝色透明的凝胶中开始挖掘管道。

6.Just pop in some ants , close the pd , and watch the insects start tunnepng through the goop .只需放如蚂蚁关上盖子,这些小昆虫就开始在凝胶中开始挖掘管道。

7.Goop . I bepeve the real potential of these hasn't been reapzed yet.我相信真正的潜力,这些尚未实现。

8.We've seen it with other books she's recommended on Goop too.我们也看到了帕特洛在Goop网站推荐了该书以及其它几本书。

9.It's a way for soldiers to scale buildings using the kinds of tiny gripping hairs and sticky goop found in cpmbing animals in nature.在大自然中攀缘动物身上找到的便于抓握的细小毛发以及黏稠状液体能帮助士兵们飞檐走壁。

10.You wouldn't know where your old Da could get a printer and some goop?你知道你老爸能从哪儿搞到一台打印机和一些粘胶吗?