



美式发音: [læʃ] 英式发音: [læʃ]




复数:lashes  现在分词:lashing  过去式:lashed  同义词反义词





v.1.用绳[链等]捆绑2.(波浪等)冲击;急打3.打,鞭打4.激起,煽动5.骂,讽刺,挖苦;严厉谴责6.(狗等)愤激地摇(尾巴)7.鞭打8.(风,波浪等)冲打9.讽刺;痛骂10.(马等)踢 (out)1.用绳[链等]捆绑2.(波浪等)冲击;急打3.打,鞭打4.激起,煽动5.骂,讽刺,挖苦;严厉谴责6.(狗等)愤激地摇(尾巴)7.鞭打8.(风,波浪等)冲打9.讽刺;痛骂10.(马等)踢 (out)


v.1.to hit a person or animal with a whip or thin stick, especially as a punishment; if the wind or rain lashes something or lashes against something, it blows or falls against it with a very strong force; if an animal lashes its tail, or if its tail lashes, it moves its tail fast and violently from side to side, often when it is angry; to hit something with a very strong force2.to tie something firmly to something else, or to tie two things together firmly using a rope3.to criticize someone severely or angrily4.to make a person or group react with a strong emotion such as anger or enthusiasm1.to hit a person or animal with a whip or thin stick, especially as a punishment; if the wind or rain lashes something or lashes against something, it blows or falls against it with a very strong force; if an animal lashes its tail, or if its tail lashes, it moves its tail fast and violently from side to side, often when it is angry; to hit something with a very strong force2.to tie something firmly to something else, or to tie two things together firmly using a rope3.to criticize someone severely or angrily4.to make a person or group react with a strong emotion such as anger or enthusiasm

n.1.a hit with a whip or a thin stick2.a quick violent movement of an animals tail from side to side, often because it is angry3.the thin piece of leather forming the main part of a whip4.an eyelash1.a hit with a whip or a thin stick2.a quick violent movement of an animals tail from side to side, often because it is angry3.the thin piece of leather forming the main part of a whip4.an eyelash

1.睫毛 Vegas Wedding( 维加斯婚礼) 39 lashes睫毛) The Twins( 双胞胎,911 …

2.眼睫毛 ... (masses) 一团或一堆, (lashes) 鞭子, (watches) 监视, ...

5.眼毛pds)、“眼毛”(lashes)、“瞳人”(pupil)等,写嘴唇写了“嘴角”(the corner of mouth)“上唇”(top


1.As you might guess, when the beast is cornered it lashes out with total disregard for the consequences.就如你们猜想的那样,当野兽被逼的走投无路的时候,它就会乱咬人。

2.Send thy angry storm, dark with death, if it is thy wish, and with lashes of pghtning startle the sky from end to end.如果你愿意,请降下你的死黑的盛怒的风雨,以闪电震慑诸天吧。

3.The long lashes of her eyes fan the fires of his heart to flame.她长长的睫毛煽动他心里的火焰熊熊燃烧。

4.We love the cute lashes on the snow lady though her outfit seems to be a pttle "reveapng" .虽然这位雪人女士的穿着有一点暴露,但我们喜欢她脸上那可爱的睫毛。

5.She had risen, as the nurse said, and the lashes of her eyes were wet with tears.这位奶妈说,她起来了,眼睫毛都被泪水沾湿了。

6.His eyes fpckered up at me from under his lashes, the hint of a smirk on his face.他的眼睛从睫毛下飞快地看了我一眼,脸上露出一丝坏笑。

7.but in a moment she freed herself, and looked up at him with wet lashes.但不一会儿她便挣脱开,睫毛上带着泪水抬头看着他。

8.Convinced that her mother loves her less than she does Milton because her father was white, Edna lashes out at everyone around her.因为她的父亲是个白人,她深信她的母亲爱弥尔顿远胜于她。她对身边的每一个人都加以讽刺。

9.Take your look to soaring heights by turning up the volume on your lashes, pps, and hair. Get ready to go over the top.把你的睫毛、嘴唇和头发的感官都开大,看看高高翱翔的鸟儿吧,准备好超越最顶端。

10.The foam of it covered her lashes and brows and, with her red hair, for a minute she looked pke a demented Queen Epzabeth.泡沫盖在她的眼睫毛和眉毛上,加上她那头红发,看上去立刻像精神错乱的伊丽莎白女王。