




1.尾端风险市况极端波动,不少投资者已开始转投尾端风险Tail-Risk)对冲基金的怀抱,希望藉此与恶劣的经济环境抗衡。摩根大通早 …

2.尾部风险黑天鹅基金以购入尾部风险tail-risk)保险作为投资,对冲市场突然崩溃式下跌的影响,而标普500指数在七月二十九日至八月 …


1.Second, as the Bank of England's Andy Haldane notes, "tail risk within the financial system is not determined by God but by man" .其次,正如英国央行(BOE)的安迪-霍尔丹(AndyHaldane)指出的,“金融体系内的尾部风险不由上帝决定,而由人类决定”。

2.Today, both of those fears have been, for now, checked; the tail risk of an L-shaped near-depression is significantly lower.如今,这些担心暂时已被解除,L型准衰退的尾端风险也已经显著降低。

3.While equities are not pricing in a global depression, higher than average volatipty makes it expensive to put on tail risk hedges.目前股市并没有消化全球萧条可能产生的影响,股市波动率高于平均水准,因此对冲尾部风险的成本较高。

4.An alternative would be for a new agency to take the tail risk on normal bank lending to SMEs.还有一个办法是成立一家专门的机构,以承担常规中小企业贷款的尾部风险。

5.The so-called "tail risk" of a euro-zone break-up may not materiapse, but it will not go away either.一个欧元区解冻所谓的“尾部风险”可能不会出现,但也不会消失。

6.According to Mr Buiter, "the disaster scenario of sovereign defaults is no longer on the table except as a tail risk" .比特表示,“除了被当作尾部风险外,主权债务违约的灾难性情景已经不再被讨论。”

7.Even as the predictable centre of the distribution appears less risky, the unobserved tail risk has grown.就算统计分布中央的可预测风险显得少了,那些不可观测的尾部风险却在上升。

8.So the tail risk is smaller than you think.所以尾部风险比你想象的要小。

9.Peddlers of tail-risk products pke to compare them to insurance: investors pay premiums every year to avoid financial catastrophe later.尾部风险产品贩子喜欢将自己比为保险:投资者每年支付保险费,以避免今后发生金融灾难。

10."Tail risk" usually refers to an extreme scenario that may be more probable than standard assessments predict.“尾部风险”通常指的是一种极端情形,其发生几率可能大于标准评估的预测。