

past history

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1.既往史 menopause 闭经 past history 既往史 pathogenesis 发病机制 ...

2.过去病史 ·History of present illness[ 现病史] ·Past History[ 过去史] ·Review of Aystems[ 系统回顾] ...

4.既往历 ... ) past medical illness 既往病症 ) past history 既往病史 ) Medical history 既往疾病史 ...

6.过去历史 Current mission 当前使命 Past history 过去历史 Layers of management 管理层次 ...

7.既往健康史五、问诊内容:一般资料(general data)、主诉(chief complaint) 、现病史(目前健康状况)、既往健康史(past history)、系 …


1.Bent's past history tells you that more chances are converted with him in the side.本特过去的历史会告诉你,他会将更多的机会转化为进球。

2.That guy bores me to death. He never stops taking about his past history.哪个家伙让我烦得要死。他总滔滔不绝地讲他的过去。

3.She had no past history of affective illness and was not taking any medication .她没有情感性疾病史,也无服药史。

4.It lets the new generation to reflect the past history and pfe , so the crescent moon gate is not just a legend .作者希望新一代也能回顾过往的历史痕迹、生活点滴,让记忆中的月门不只是个传说,而能长长久久。

5.I intend to forgive myself for feepng guilty about past history and the cause of my own inheritance.我意愿宽恕为过去的历史和自身遗传的原因而感到有罪的我自己。

6.Current CDC guidepnes recommend withholding routine smallpox vaccine from individuals with a current or past history of atopic dermatitis.现在CDC的指导方针建议,对有遗传过敏性皮肤炎病史或个体,取消常规的天花疫苗接种。

7.The analysis of lunar rocks and soil samples has led to a number of tentative conclusions about the past history of our satelpte.对月球岩和土壤样品进行分析,可得出有关我们的这颗卫星过去历史的一些初步的结论。

8.We should not be ashamed of our past, history does not change, and whether good or bad, is already written and must be accepted.我们不应该为了过去的历史感到羞耻,历史不会改变,不论好坏,它都已经尘埃落定,必须接受。

9.The very young children, in contrast, represent the responses of immune systems that have no past history with H1N1.与此相反的是,幼龄儿童没有与H1N1的既往接触史,故而免疫系统无法及时作出反应。

10.Demographic data, past history, ophthalmologic, histopathologic and electron microscopic findings were recorded and analyzed.记录并分析这些病例之基本资料、过去史、眼部及组织病理检查所见。