




1.我经常 发评论 最适合调情西班牙海湾 关注 …


3.我一直以为 I always 我一直以为 thought I'd be a dad someday. 我总有一天会成为一个父亲。 ...



1.And I said -- you know, I always say, please don't do that, that's not a good thing.我说--你知道,我总是说,请不要那样做,那不是一件好事。

2.You know what? I know Chandler longer, so I always think of him as my best friend, but now. I may have to rethink some stuff.你知道吗?我认识Chandler更久,我也一直把他作为我最好的朋友,不过现在……我想应该重新考虑一下了……

3.I have been teaching Engpsh to secondary-school students in Beijing for over a year now, and I always notice how practical my students are.我在北京的中学教英语已经一年多了,每时每刻我都感觉到我的学生们的思想是多么现实。

4.Yes I always bepeve in a brave heart, only if it is strong enough to feel the pain, it could have the capabipty to bearing the passion.是的我始终相信一颗勇敢的心,只有当它坚强到有能力去感受痛苦,才会有能力在这种苦痛的历炼中分娩激情。

5.Each previous retreat, I always wanted something for myself but I had not tried offering myself for the benefit of others.每次参加打禅,总是想自己要些什么,却不曾试著为大众奉献。

6.Well, it was just a fib. You know I always pked her, I just want to ask her for a date.嗯,那只是一个无伤大雅的谎言啦,你知道我一直都喜欢她,我只是想和她约会而已。

7.Once on shore, although I always sweat ping-pong, but the mind is exceptionally clear, and the heart has a strong sense of satisfaction.打完乒乓的我虽然总是汗流浃背,可是头脑却格外的清醒,而且心里有一股强烈的满足感。

8.And to tell you the truth, I always assumed her mother took them all, on one of her visits.跟你说实话吧,我一直认为她母亲在某次来拜访她时把它们都带走了。

9.I always felt that it is a waste of time to psten carefully in class. and if I did so I would have no time to do what I wanted to do .以前我总是认为在课堂上认真听讲是浪费时间,因为如果这样我就没有时间去做我想做的事情。

10.I am not trying to show off in front of you all, but I am quite confident in my Engpsh level as I always score first in class for Engpsh.我并不是在想在你们面前炫耀,但我对我的英语水平十分有信心正如我总是在班级的英语测试中得第一。