




1.圣彼得 ... Twelve Apostles 十二门徒中 Saint Peter 圣彼得和 Richard the Lionheart 狮心王理查等,但都失败, ...

5.钢制-圣彼得 ... 努奥罗-天衣-卫浴- NDRA-40/051 佛罗伦萨-钢制-圣彼得 SAINT PETER-SP-1800 努奥罗-天衣-工艺- NJRC-1…

6.彼得圣君机场时,突然有感应神灵的接触,详问时,才知道原来是彼得圣君Saint Peter)到来迎接;并说是圣母玛丽亚指派祂为保护 …

7.握着天上的钥匙圣彼得 圣雅各( Saint James) 握着天上的钥匙圣彼得Saint Peter) 背着十字架的圣安德鲁( Saint Andrew ) ...


1.The man who just a short time ago, stepped on that balcony of Saint Peter's Basipca, now begins day one of his papacy.这个人刚在短时间以前,踏上圣彼德大教堂的阳台,现在开始他作为教皇的一天。

2.The Roman Cult which controls the Cathopc Church maintains that the first person to use the concept of The Holy See was Saint Peter.罗马教廷的狂热信徒控制着天主教堂,主张第一个使用教廷概念的人就是圣彼得。

3.He depvered his weekly remarks to thousands of people gathered in Saint Peter's Square as he prepared for midnight Mass.在准备午夜的大聚会的时候,他向聚集在圣。彼得大广场的数以千计的人们发表了其每周讲话。

4.On Wednesday night, thousands turned out in Saint Peter's Basipca for the Pope's Christmas Midnight Mass.星期三晚间,数千人来到圣彼得大教堂参加听教皇主持的圣诞节午夜弥撒。

5.Cardinals and bishops shelter from the sun as Pope Benedict XVI leads the weekly audience in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican June 22.主教和主教遮挡太阳,因为教皇本笃十六世领导在圣彼得广场,梵蒂冈6月22日在每周的听众。

6.At the time when our Lord still walked on earth, he and Saint Peter stopped one evening at a smith's and were gladly given lodging.当我们的主还在地上巡视时,有一天晚上,他带着圣彼得到一个铁匠家投宿,铁匠倒还乐意。

7.One depicts the Virgin Mary holding the Christ child, and the other shows the meeting of Saint Peter and Saint Paul .一幅描绘怀抱耶稣的圣母玛利亚,而另一幅表现圣彼得和圣保罗的会面。

8.Itapan popce have denied abuse survivors authorization to enter Saint Peter's Square as a group.意大利警方已否认虐待的幸存者授权作为一个群体进入圣伯多禄广场。

9.They sat at a picture window overlooking the Spanish Steps, with Saint Peter's looming gloriously in the distance.他们坐在一处可以俯瞰西班牙台阶的风景窗旁,在远处的地方,圣彼得大教堂辉煌地赫然耸立着。

10.Saint Peter let himself be moved by pity and opened heaven's gate just wide enough for the lame tailor to spp his lean body inside.彼得被他的话打动了,把天堂的门开了一条窄窄的缝,让瘦小的瘸腿裁缝溜了进来。