




1.赵小丁 ... Best Cinematographer 最佳摄影奖 Zhao Xiaoding 赵小丁 Yohei Taneda 种田 …


1.The night was approaching, Xiaoding have long-distance car ride experience, but so long uphill and downhill he really did not experience.夜很快来临了,小丁有过坐长途车的经历,但如此漫长地爬坡和下坡他确实没有经历过。

2.First Xueyou registered for Xiaoding; then , accompanied her to see a doctor; lastly, helped her to buy some medicine .学友先给小丁挂号,然后陪她看大夫,最后帮她买药。

3.Thus, Xiaoding home fully prepared to do so, he found the basket, and short stick, rope and some grain of rice to catch birds.于是,小丁回家做了充分的准备,他找来篮子、,短木棒、绳子和一些米粒,去捕捉小鸟。

4.But a time card, Xiaoding would not dead.但出牌的时候,小丁却不愿意死顶。

5.Xiaoding heard here is half make fun of, a pttle angrily said, your boy, is dark and swarthy, but is not a good man, how Gounv so badly.小丁听到这里就有半开玩笑,有点愤愤地说,你小子,长得黑不溜秋的,反正不像个好人,怎么勾女就那么厉害呢。

6.This week Xiaoding has had her exam . She did quite well .这个星期小丁考过试了。她考得还不错。

7.To say the first half of the year university harvest, Xiaoding feel just made Deng Yi the friend.要说半年大学的收获,小丁觉得就是交了邓乙这个朋友。

8.Because Xiaoding's parents are travepng with them this time to China, Xueyou's parents do not worry about them at all.因为小丁的爸爸、妈妈这一次也跟他们一起去中国,所以学友的爸爸、妈妈一点儿也不担心。

9.Wedding held in the hotel, but the atmosphere was not Xiaoding hometown Hunan so rich, warm.婚礼在酒店举行,但气氛却没小丁家乡湘东那么浓郁,热烈。

10.Xiaoding does not understand what Deng Yi meant, another Deng Yi took care of his classmates is very standard Mandarin translation.小丁不懂邓乙什么意思,邓乙的另一个扶着照顾他的同学就操很标准的普通话解释。