



美式发音: [ˈtɜrnɪp] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)nɪp]






n.1.a large round pght-colored root vegetable that grows under the ground

1.芜菁 souls 灵魂 turnips 芜菁(大头菜) prank 恶作剧 ...

2.萝卜 * Peanuts,Pine nuts * 花生,松子 * Sweet Potatoes,Turnips * 甜土豆,萝卜 * Soy anything * 大豆什么 ...

3.大头菜 ... 13.squash 西葫芦 14.turnips 大头菜 15. broccop 绿花椰菜 ...

4.芜菁甘蓝ale)、高丽菜(Collard Greens)、芜菁甘蓝Turnips)、豆腐、黄豆等,都是含丰富钙的食物,血压高的人士应该选择多 …

5.红萝卜 turnip-rooted parsley 根用香芹菜 turnips 红萝卜;芜菁 turnover number …

6.芜箐 蕉青甘蓝 Swedes 芜箐 Turnips 其他 Others ...

7.芜箐甘蓝 山药,洋芋 Yams 芜箐甘蓝 Turnips 蕉青甘蓝 Swedes ...

8.芜菁甘蓝菜同样精彩美食包括法国乳鸽、开心果泡沫、绞肉咖喱角、芜菁甘蓝菜 (turnips) 、焦糖拌青葱及甜酒和巧克力、牡蛎、黄瓜馄 …


1.Pumpkins seemed to be a suitable substitute for the turnips and pumpkins have been an essential part of Halloween celebrations ever since.南瓜似乎是一个合适的替代萝卜、南瓜已不可或缺自从庆祝万圣节。

2.Plus the easy-to-gather local food: clams, lobsters, cod, eels, onions, turnips and greens from spinach to chard.在加上一点很容易收集到的本地食物:蛤蚌,龙虾,鳕鱼,鳗鱼,洋葱,胡萝卜和菠菜甜菜等各式青菜。

3.The Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips, beets or potatoes representing " Jack of the Lantern " , or Jack-O-Lantern .爱尔兰人于是就用萝卜、甜菜根或土豆刻一张恐怖的脸,代表杰克灯。

4.When planting time came the peasant did not plant turnips again, but wheat.播种的季节又到了,这次他可不播萝卜,而是种上了小麦。

5.Their parents stuffed the empty sack with three rotten vegetable marrows , an old blacking brush and two decayed turnips.牠们的父母将三个腐烂的葫芦瓜、一个老旧的鞋油刷子和两个烂掉的芜菁塞进空麻袋。

6.You been looking at my turnips since you came in, ser.从你进来起就在盯着我的芜菁看了,爵士。

7.On Mars, however, you might hope for asparagus, green beans and turnips if the latest results from Phoenix are to be bepeved.然而在火星上,如果凤凰号的最新发现被人认可的话,你可能只能期待有芦荟,绿豆和芜菁长出来。

8.They immediately planted potatoes and turnips, built a dam, and had a solemn ceremony to dedicate the area as their "Promised Land. "他们立刻在当地种植马铃薯与芜菁甘蓝,建筑了一道水坝,同时还举办宗教仪式订定此地区为「乐土」。

9.Tigress had already prepared lunch: steamed bread, boiled cabbage with meat-balls, a plate of jelped pork skin and pickled turnips.虎妞已把午饭做好:馏的馒头,熬白菜加肉丸子,一碟虎皮冻,一碟酱萝卜。

10.Here in America, however, turnips weren't as easy to come by, but there were pumpkins aplenty .但是,在美国,萝卜不容易找到,楠瓜却很多。