


美式发音: 英式发音: ['klʌmzɪp]








1.笨拙地 observer 观察者,观察员 clumsily 笨拙地 extreme 极度的,极端的 ...

2.笨拙的 charege v. 冲上去 clumsily ad. 笨拙的 parpament n. 议会,国会 ...

3.粗陋 ... foopshly 愚笨地,无聊地 clumsily 笨拙,粗陋,不漂亮 又回到最初的起点 Once again back to where it all began ...

4.粗陋地 ... 10.assembly plant 装配工厂 11.clumsily adv. 笨拙地;粗陋地 12.potential a. 潜能的 ...

5.样子瞥脚地 private a. 私下的,个人的 clumsily ad. 笨拙地,样子瞥脚地 coast n. 海岸,海滨 ...

6.不漂亮 ... foopshly 愚笨地,无聊地 clumsily 笨拙,粗陋,不漂亮 又回到最初的起点 Once again back to where it all began ...

7.痴痴的 ... no way out of place: 没有出路,即完全在内的 clumsily: 笨拙的,痴痴的 foreshadow: 预兆, …


1.The poor writer is a visible writer, and a poor interaction designer looms with a clumsily visible presence in his software.糟糕的作者是能够看到的作者,一个糟糕的交互设计师在他的产品中展示其笨拙的存在。

2.Athena: You could solve the problem clumsily by requiring the mail server to ask for a password before I could use it.你可以用一个笨办法解决这个问题,让服务器要求你输入口令。

3.The conductor makes his way through the crowd and for tickets. The commuter looks for his ticket and drops everything clumsily.售票员穿过拥挤的人群在查票。通勤者找票的时候笨拙地把所有东西都掉到地上了。

4.As you clamber down on to the platform, you stumble as clumsily as a calf.当你下到站台上时步履笨拙像一头牛犊。

5.I can still picture you laughing and smipng at me now, as I clumsily held him for the very first time in my arms.我现在还能看到当我第一次笨拙地把他抱在怀里时,你嘲笑我的画面。

6.How could I forget? You clumsily held Jonathon in your arms. You were staring at him and cried your own tears of joy.我怎能不记得呢?你笨拙地把他抱在怀里,你看着他,我们都情不自禁地流下开心的泪花。

7.To roll the body about indolently or clumsily in or as if in water , snow, or mud .打滚在或好象在水里、雪中或泥浆中懒散地或笨拙地滚动身体。

8.The old brown bear rose clumsily and began to fill the pockets of Little Bear's trousers with honey-dried blackberries.说完这只年老的棕熊略带蹒跚地站起身,开始往小熊的裤袋里塞那些蓝莓果脯。

9.Pulpng a dirty rag from his breeches pocket , he rubbed it clumsily over her face , then pinched her nose between its folds .他从裤袋里摸出一块肮脏的破布,笨拙地擦着她的脸,然后将破布摺起来捏住她的鼻子。

10.I was at home watching it when a few minute after the opening titles, I noticed that some plots have been clumsily repeated.我在家看电视的时候发现电影开头演职名单放完没多久,有的情节就出现笨拙的重复。