


美式发音: [ə'tæʃeɪ] 英式发音: [ə'tæʃeɪ]





1.随员 charge d''affaires 代办 attache 随员 commercial attache 商务专员 ...

2.领事随员 averse a. 不愿意的,反对的 attache n. 使馆馆员;外交使节随员 aversion n. 嫌恶 ...

4.专员 Assistant Defence Advisor 助理防务顾问 Attache 专员 Communication Officer 通讯员 ...

5.使馆随员 attach v 附上;使属下 attache n 使馆随员 detach v 分开,拆开 ...

6.使馆官员 premier( 总理), attache使馆官员), prestige( 威望), ...

7.大使馆专员 ... 高级专员 high commissioner 大使馆专员 attache 商务专员 commercial attache ...


1.Accordingly, he asked Marion to write to the Commercial Attache at the British Embassy to ask for advice on this point.同时,他让玛丽恩写信给英国大使馆的商务专员,征求他对这事的意见。

2.It seems that your bag was not suitable for the clothes. You wore blue-collar's clothes, and took attache case. What did you think then?您拎的那个包跟服装貌似有点不太搭调,您穿的是一个蓝领工人的衣服,拎的却是一个公文包,当时是有什么特别的想法?

3.LAM: And I understand she's the Cultural Attache , what was it about the film that she didn't pke?林:据我所知她是文化官员,那部电影有什么让她不喜欢?

4.Sung by envoy is also specific to Guan Ming, is eight, ninth rank the general term for a small miptary attache.按使臣又是宋朝特有的官名,是八、九品小武官的总称。

5.Colonel Cordier's final Air Force assignment came in 1982, when he was selected to serve as the American Air Force Attache to Great Britain.科迪埃上校的最后一次空军分配任务是在1982年,他被选为担任美国空军驻英国大使。

6.Captain Joyce, the American naval attache , a jolly Irishman with a knowing eye, asked Pamela to dance .美国海军武官乔伊斯是个老于世故的,乐呵呵的爱尔兰人,他请帕米拉跳舞。

7.News reports Tuesday say a Japanese staff officer and a defense attache are scheduled to attend the "Warrior 2007" exercise next Tuesday.星期二的报导说,一名日本自卫队参谋军官和一名使馆武官将观察下星期二举行的“勇士-2007”军演。

8.America's naval attache in Nazi Germany is certainly somebody. You could strike a blow for preparedness, or a two-ocean Navy.驻纳粹德国的美国海军武官当然是个人物,您可以给军事准备和两洋舰队打气。

9.The Coast Guard Academy says interested students should contact the defense attache at their local United States embassy.海岸警卫学院要求有兴趣的学生联系美国驻当地大使馆的国防部军官。

10.To participate in the visit, including the United States, France, Russia, China and other countries or on behalf of miptary attache.参加这次参观活动的包括美国、法国、俄罗斯、中国等国武官或代表。