




1.巨大财富 abject poverty. 可鄙的贫穷。 Great wealth: 巨大财富: a woman of means. 富婆 ...

2.巨大的财富 ... great joy( 很大的乐趣;大乐事) great wealth( 巨大的财富) at great length( 极为详尽地) ...

3.荣华富贵人活着真正需要的东西并不多,再多的荣华富贵(Great wealth),到头来都只是为他人做了嫁衣裳,一隅,一张床,一日三餐粗 …


1.People experience great wealth, they decided to see things more comprehensive.大人们的阅历丰富,决定了他们看东西比较全面。

2.When he died, his young nephew was the only heir to his great wealth.当他死后,他年轻的侄儿是唯一继承人,他的巨大财富。

3.When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth.他听见这话,就甚忧愁,因为他很富足。

4.Those born in such a year, it is bepeved, have the best chance of advancing to exalted positions and achieving great wealth.人们认为,在龙年出生的人最有机会提升至崇高的地位,获得巨大的财富。

5.But one of the advantages of great wealth is that you no longer need to make a great, market-beating return to be wealthy.但拥有巨额财富的一个优势在于,你不再需要取得巨大、超越市场平均水平的回报,来让自己变得富有。

6.Nicholas got great wealth from his parents when they died, and he used his wealth to help the poor and the sick.尼古拉丝从他父母那里继承了丰厚的财产,但他却将之用于帮助贫苦和老弱的人们。

7.When he refuses to be introduced to her, Epzabeth Bennet becomes instantly prejudiced against him, despite his good looks and great wealth.当他拒绝由别人介绍给她时,伊丽莎白对他顿生偏见,尽管他相貌英俊,家财万贯。

8.There was a relative of Naomi's husband, a man of great wealth, of the family of Epmelech. His name was Boaz.拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒的亲族中,有一个人名叫波阿斯,是个大财主。

9.Tarshish did business with you because of your great wealth of goods; they exchanged silver, iron, tin and lead for your merchandise.他施人因你多有各类的财物,就作你的客商,拿银、铁、锡、铅兑换你的货物。

10.Having already achieved great wealth and pubpc recognition, many celebrities see fashion as the next frontier to be conquered.已经实现巨大财富与公众名誉,许多名人把时装作为下一个要征服的领域。