


美式发音: ['æloʊ] 英式发音: ['æləʊ]





1.别 aetio- 初 allo- allyl- 烯丙(基); ...

2.异 allelo- 对偶 allo- ,别,异体的,变态的 allyl- 烯丙(基) ...

3.异常 agro- champ 农田;农业 allo- autre 另外,其他,别;异常 amphi- autour;doublement 周围;双, …

4.阿路和如 paco 帕科 allo 阿路和如 benetton 贝纳通 ...

5.异基因(allogeneic)国家457个移植单位共登记了16950例移植患者,异基因(ALLO)移植占28%,其中ALLO-BMT占70%,ALLO-外周血干细胞移 …

6.异体uto-)移植、同卵双生个体间的同基因(syn-)移植和同种异基因allo-)移植,后者又分为同胞供者(SD)移植和非血缘供 …

8.紧密相联的 tall 高的 allo 紧密相联的 n. 同盟国, 支持者 ...


1.The change allo is represented by the rapid development of media, the change of its social ides, media convergence and media softening.表征为媒体发展迅速、社会角色改变、媒介融合与媒介的软化等。

2.Objective To analyze the outcome of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (allo-BMT) performed for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients.目的分析异基因骨髓移植治疗慢性髓系白血病患者长期存活的影响因素。

3.because some matching always occurs , vertical resistance cannot prevent all allo - infection , but it can only reduce the exodemic.由于经常发生对应的异状侵染,垂直抗性不能阻止所有的异体侵染,但只能减少外源流行。

4.Severe aplastic anemia (SAA) is a BM failure syndrome in which allo-SCT remains a highly effective curative option.重型再生障碍性贫血是一种骨髓衰竭综合症,即异基因SCT的仍然是一个非常有效的治疗方案。

5.Methods Study the normal and sex chromosome by classic cytogenetic analysis in leukemia patients before and after treatment by allo- HSCT.方法应用常规细胞遗传学方法定期检测白血病患者异基因造血干细胞移植前后常染色体、性染色体情况。

6.DOMINGO C*ALLO: The first democratic president after Pinochet maintained the reforms and also tried to improve on them.多明戈。卡菲罗(DomingoC*allo):皮诺切特之后的第一位*总统继续了改革,并且努力推进了改革。

7.For payment, we always require the confirmed and irrevocable LC at sight with partial shipment and transshipment allo wed clause.至于支付方式,我方始终要求用保兑的不可撤销即期信用证,而且还需注明允许分装和转船。

8.Aye but allo' them be a fair hike away. Thar's travel expenses: feed fer tha horses, room an' board, meals.对头,但它们都很遥远。旅行花销包括:马匹的饲料,住宿与饮食费用。

9.Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Allo-HS.对异基因造血干细胞移植。

10.As long as we're her "prisoners" , she's got a duty ta pay for allo' those expenses. It'll be pke getting a free trip.只要咱们是她的“囚犯”,她就有义务支付一切花销。这更像是一趟免费旅行。