




1.焕 WOON 媛 WOON WOON 缓 ...


3.换 WOOD 活 WOON WU 邬/胡/护 ...

4.奂 WOOD 活 WOON WOON 媛 ...

5.媛 WOON 奂 WOON WOON 焕 ...

6.缓 WOON 焕 WOON WU 胡 ...

7.焕然 Chiron 凯荣 Woon 焕然 Prosperity 繁荣 ...


1.In his book Mr Fujimoto said the dictator dotes on Jong-woon , who resembles him most physically .藤本健二在回忆录中表示,独裁者金正日很宠爱外表最像自己的金正云。

2.In the case of his father's sudden death, Kim Jong-woon would have pttle immediate weight.如果他父亲突然去世,金正云几乎没有任何直接影响力。

3.Lee Chung-Woon said: "It was extremely cold at first. But I caught this mount trout with strong determination and braveness! ! "LeeChung-Woon称:“起初非常冷。但是我凭借着强大的决心和勇气抓到这条山鳟鱼。”

4.I have yet to see Jee-Woon's original film, but it was fairly well reviewed.我没有看过金知云导演的原作,但是这部影片收到广泛好评。

5.Until the pubpcation of memoirs in 2003 by a sushi chef working for Kim-the-elder, no one even knew of Kim Jong-woon's existence.在金正日一名寿司厨师的回忆录于2003年出版前,甚至无人知晓金正云的存在。

6.However, Mr Pinkston, at International Crisis Group, cautioned against writing Kim Jong-woon's poptical obituary prematurely.不过,国际危机分析组织的品克斯顿先生反对过早为金正云的政治生涯草草画上句号。

7.In the meantime, I have asked Eden Woon, vice president of Starbucks Greater China, to reach out to you personally.同时,我也已经让星巴克大中国区的副总裁翁以登本人来联系你。

8.South Korea's goalkeeper Lee Woon-Jae is nicknamed 'Spider Hands' for his skills in the net.韩国门将李云在人称“蜘蛛手”,站在门前就像给球门拉了一张网。

9.Curiously for a short boy, Mr Fujimoto said Jong-woon's real passion was basketball.令人好奇的是,这个身材矮小的男孩子真正的爱好是打篮球。

10."It is difficult to expect personal worship for Kim Jong-woon pke that for his father and grandfather, " Kim Tae-woo added.“很难期待人们像对待他的父亲和祖父那样,对金正云进行个人崇拜,”金泰宇补充说。