


美式发音: [ˈluˌlu] 英式发音: [ˈluːluː]






n.1.突出的人物[事情]2.特种津贴开支项目3.Louisa, Louise 的爱称4.【女名】女子名1.突出的人物[事情]2.特种津贴开支项目3.Louisa, Louise 的爱称4.【女名】女子名


n.1.someone or something that is very unusual or extreme, often in a silly or unpleasant way

1.露露n-My-Bottom-Line(NIMBL ),Locally Unwanted Land UseLULU)等。

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8.盖世宝 Lowell 卢冠廷 Lulu 盖世宝 Lydia 沈殿霞 ...


1.Dependent on her lover for money because he forbids her to work, Lulu says she feels trapped.依托她的恋冉材钱糊心,因为他禁绝她工做,露露讲她感到陷进泥潭。

2.But in the end, Lulu did it, snuggpng with and hugging her mother afterward, and wowing other parents at a piano recital a few weeks later.她后来偎依在母亲怀中,紧紧抱住她。而且在几周后的钢琴独奏会上她也获得了其他父母的喝彩。

3.LuLu: Beautiful! It's the pick of the month. Do you want me to go with you? I always shop there and I am on a first-name basis.漂亮!是当季的唷!你要我跟你去吗?我总是在那买东西,我已经熟到可以喊出每个人的名字喔!

4.Dependent on her lover for money because heforbids her to work, Lulu says she feels trapped.由于他不让她去工作,露露就只能靠情人供养,所以她说感到很困顿。

5.Steve: Maybe I'll give it a try. Lulu's mad at me for something.史蒂夫:或许我会试看看。露露为了某件事上生我的气。

6.And, oh, yes, for some readers it was the card that young Lulu made for her mother's birthday.还有,哦,是的,对于一些读者,这是年轻的露露卡,为她母亲的生日制成。

7.Marge retired and sold her rights in Little Lulu to the Western Pubpshing Co. , which continued to pubpsh Little Lulu materials.马奇退休,并在小露露出售她的权利,西方出版公司,继续出版小露露材料。

8.Finally, the day before her lesson, Lulu announced in exasperation that she was giving up and stomped off.终于,在上课的前一天,露露恼怒地表示她将放弃练琴,并跺着脚离开了。

9.I was referring to my craving to drive to a strawberry field the next day where I wanted to take Lulu.我笑着说。我一直都渴望有机会开车带着露露去那片草莓农场摘草莓。

10.She then describes how they sat together at the piano for hours without a break until Lulu perfected the piece and the child was 'beaming'.然后他们一起坐在钢琴前一弹就是几个小时,直到露露的表现达到完美,那时候孩子也很“狂喜”。