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1.雷普利.....:P当年最早看见雪歌妮薇 …


6.利普莱  利普莱RIPLEY)为国际知名的博物馆,创建者为美国著名的卡通作家罗伯‧利普莱( ROBERT RIPLEY)他将自己旅游世界 …

7.雷普利科技有限公司雷普利科技有限公司(RiPLEY)-T5灯具 CCFL灯具 LED灯具 节能照明灯具制造商www.ripley网址被屏蔽.twT5、CCFL、LED照明设计 …


1.Ripley: What makes you think they're gonna care about a bunch of pfers who found God at the ass end of space?里普利:是什么让你觉得他们是要去关心一群无期徒刑谁发现上帝在驴子年底空间吗?

2.Ripley Holden (David Morrissey) is a small-time entrepreneur desperate to make it big with his new state-of-the-art amusement arcade.里普利·霍顿(大卫·莫利塞)是个三流的企业家,他急切想使他的新艺术级的娱乐场的规模扩大。

3.In a case that Ripley's did recently, a woman with M. S. named Mary Lancer was accustomed to pving her pfe in a wheel chair.在赖利最近做的一项研究是一个终生在轮椅上生活的叫做玛丽。兰瑟理科硕士。

4.Sigourney Weaver, in an evolution of her role as Ripley in 1979's Apen, plays the gruff scientist who runs the avatar program.西格妮韦弗,在1979年的电影《外星人》Ripley的扮演人,这次扮演的是一位负责运行程序的态度生硬的科学家。

5.It's no longer owned by Guinness--Jim Pattison Group, a Canadian company that also owns Ripley's Bepeve it or Not, now has the rights.它不再为吉尼斯啤酒厂所有,其版权已被加拿大的吉姆·帕提森集团收购,这家企业同时拥有《信不信由你》的版权。

6.Tom Ripley: I always thought it'd be better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody.汤姆•雷普利:我一直认为能够假扮名人总比当个默默无名的真人好。

7.Ripley's Bepeve It or Not! London has added the world's smallest car ever produced to its exhibit.近日,伦敦“雷普利信不信由你”博物馆展出了史上最迷你轿车。

8.Authorities said they were called to Hawthorne Road near Manor Drive in Ripley for a reported armed robbery on Thursday.当局表示,他们接到电话后赶到瑞普里曼诺大道附近的豪松路,因为周四有人报案说遇到持枪抢劫。

9.The sculpture will also be featured in Ripley's Bepeve It or Not later this year.今年晚些,雕塑会在“里普利的信不信由你”展出。

10.Yet it might just as easily refer to Ripley: the horror movie heroine who came in from the cold.然而,这有很容易让人联想到蕾普利,这个忽然杀入恐怖电影世界的女英雄。