




1.赞扬 conversation with sb 对话 credit for sth 荣誉,赞扬 damage to sth 损坏 ...

2.荣誉 conversation with sb 对话 credit for sth 荣誉,赞扬 damage to sth 损坏 ...

3.因…而称赞 stand=put up with=bear=endure=tolerate 忍受 give…credit for 因…而称赞… subject…to 使…服从,使…遭到 ...

4.因…值得受到称赞 ... carry forward 发扬,继续 credit for 因…值得受到称赞 pounce on 对…大做 …

5.因……赞扬 ... give them credit for 给他们的赞扬 give…credit for 因……赞扬;因…而称赞 give … credit for 因…赞扬 ...



1.For that alone, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice deserves credit for her months of arm-twisting preparation.单凭这一点,美国国务卿赖斯数月来施加压力的准备工作就值得称赞。

2.She admired him for contriving it, though not able to give him much credit for the manner in which it was announced.她很钦佩他想出这个点子,不过,对宣布的方式实在不敢恭维。

3.She gave him credit for having the usual allurements of men -- people to talk to, places to stop, friends to consult with.她认为他应该享有男人们通常的乐趣——和人聊聊天,找个地方休息一下,或与朋友商量商量问题。

4.The economy is not the only reason people are drawn to McDonald's. The company's management also deserves credit for its success.经济问题并不是把人们吸引到麦当劳的唯一原因,公司的管理也值得称道。

5."We have got to give David credit for the two goals. He took them very well - it was a very good performance, " said Agger.“我们给予了恩戈格足够的信任,他攻入两球,他把握的很好——灰常完美的表演。”阿格说。

6.But if he stepped aside, as gentlemanly conduct arguably required, he would lose credit for a theory that he had independently propounded.但如果他要成全自己的君子行为,他将失去一个创立独立的机会。

7.We're sending this message to confirm that you've created a Gallery account and to let you know you already have credit for .我们发送的这封邮件只是想要通知您,您已经在画廊创建了一个帐号,并且您已经被给与了肯定。

8.I gave you credit for more wisdom than to allow yourself to be inveigled into an engagement with a woman considerably older than yourself.我相信你有足够的智慧,不会上当受骗,与一个比你大的多的女人订婚。

9.So far, Congress has passed only a $15 bilpon tax credit for hiring in 2010 and a few short-term extensions of unemployment benefits.到目前为止,国会仅仅通过了150亿的退税款政策用于增加2010年的就业和延长一些短期失业救助。

10.Give yourself credit for your strengths and your individuapty. Do not always give in to other people.你应该对自己的能力和人性有足够的信心,不要总是让步于他人。