



[ berated ]



动词过去式: berated | 动词过去分词: berated | 动词现在分词: berating | 动词第三人称单数: berates |



动词过去式: berated | 动词过去分词: berated | 动词现在分词: berating | 动词第三人称单数: berates |


动词 berate:

censure severely or angrily

同义词:call on the carpet, take to task, rebuke, rag, trounce, reproof, lecture, reprimand, jaw, dress down, call down, scold, chide, berate, bawl out, remonstrate, chew out, chew up, have words, lambaste, lambast


1. He hath hedged me about, that I cannot get out: he hath made my chain heavy. Ia menutup segala jalan ke luar bagiku, Ia mengikat aku dengan rantai yang berat.


2. And coming again, He found them sleeping, for their eyes were heavy. Dan ketika Ia kembali pula, Ia mendapati mereka sedang tidur, sebab mata mereka sudah berat.


3. Until the mid-1990s,it was not uncommon for a couple walking the streets of Seoul to be berated for holding hands in public. Now Korean culture at large has become much more open about sex.


4. "From that day forward, I never berated anybody when they were down," says Welch.


5. The dissatisfied customer Berated the florist


6. The column first berated the rich for lecturing at Davos and failing in Hindi exams.


7. Specialize in : Membaiki Kereta, Lori, Engine Petrol &Diesel Serta Jentera-Jentera Berat.


8. Yu Fu's father thought these goings-on disgraceful. He blew up and berated the young men so roundly that they didn't dare show themselves again. But the bride went into hysterics. She wept all day and the following night.


9. The important role people played in history can never berated too much.


10. but they themselves will not move them with their finger. Mereka mengikat beban-beban berat, lalu meletakkannya di atas bahu orang, tetapi mereka sendiri tidak mau menyentuhnya.


11. They berated each other for being selfish and beseeched the court to grant a reading of the will.


12. He has berated American-led “market fundamentalism”, yet then called security arrangements with America the “cornerstone” of Japanese diplomatic policy.


13. He could have berated the poor security guard for failing to recognize such an important person as himself.


14. His parental collective berated him for keeping his heads turned toward the skies rather than to the mundane world around him.


15. 4. He berated me for letting down the President by not restricting the number of NSC participants.


16. It has never been a secret that the failure of public education has been the greatest failure of China.It's been berated in public for years.


17. In one, a motorist and cyclist came to blows after the motorist berated the pedal-pusher for ignoring a stop sign.


18. Come to Me all who toil and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Marilah kepada-Ku, semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, Aku akan memberi kelegaan kepadamu.


19. 3)Long berated (or loved) as the sleepiest continent, it has now become the fastest-growing and fastest-urbanising one.

原译: 在这块沉睡的大陆长期的惩责(也许是关爱)之后,非洲现在是增长最快,城市化最迅速的地方。

20. When the day was beginning to break,the soldiers of the Wu army began to berat the drums heavily and their shoutings resounded like rolls of thunder.


21. Apabila sempat ada diantara kalian yang menggunakan narkoba, disamping hukumannya sangat berat, masa depan kalian juga akan hancur.

听听听听听听听听听听听 Kepada peserta Jambore BNK bupati menghimbau agar menjauhi barang haram tersebut.

22. 30 petang dengan langkah yang berat semua ahli rombongan meninggalkan tempat ini.

听听听听听听听听听听听 Setelah selesai semua aktiviti, tepat jam 1.

23. For, lest we forget, it was Liverpool who berated Chelsea for having only the Carling Cup to show for £


24. During the summer of 2007, Kobe publicly berated General Manager Mitch Kupchak and chastised his young teammate, Andrew Bynum.


25. In London he berated a respected Pakistani journalist who dared question his government's efficacy and sincerity in combating extremism.


26. Long berated (or loved) as the sleepiest continent, it has now become the fastest-growing and fastest-urbanising one.


27. We have been berated for so many years! But have we been toppled by their criticisms?


28. When the day was beginning to break,the soldiers of the Wu army began to berat the drums heavilytheir shoutings resounded like rolls of thunder.


29. She berated him in public.


30. The good girls are considered prudes and berated for not ‘putting out’ and therefore are seldom the first to get dates.


31. It berated Mussolini for selling out to Berlin


32. It makes more sense for existing blogs just to provide a list of the companies they’ve reviewed, something we’re constantly being berated for not including.


33. Selagi dicobai dengan berat dalam pelbagai penderitaan, sukacita mereka meluap dan meskipun mereka sangat miskin, namun mereka kaya dalam kemurahan.


34. Working late into the night, Niederhoffer berated himself for leaving himself so exposed.


35. British Politicians Berated for Abusing Expense System.


36. dalam penindasan yang berat kamu telah menerima firman itu dengan sukacita yang dikerjakan oleh Roh Kudus,


37. He sometimes berated his huge audiences when they clamoured for nationalist odes rather than the subtler, metaphysical verse of his later years.


38. I had to go and live in Berat, an ancient city about a hundred kilometers from Tirana.


39. I have spent too much time being rattled by terse e-mail from editors, agents who have told me that I’d never get a book deal, and bosses who have berated me as not being “detail-oriented.


40. Berat badan saya yang dulunya 95 kg juga menurun kepada 88 kg, iaitu sebanyak 7 kg berat badan saya telah berkurangan!


41. Behold, my terror shall not make thee afraid, neither shall my hand be heavy upon thee. Jadi engkau tak usah ditimpa kegentaran terhadap aku, tekananku terhadap engkau tidak akan berat.


42. sebab kita tahu, bahwa sebagai guru kita akan dihakimi menurut ukuran yang lebih berat.


43. In a speech delivered after evening prayer, the pope berated U.S. bishops for their poor handling of the decades-long pedophile priest scandal that has rocked the church.


44. Mom never berated me for them.


45. He scrambled out of the jeep and into the ditch, where he berated the pilots and the entire glider program.


46. The Lady, unbelieving, so berated her husband that he answered father, "You think what I have already told you is a wonder.


47. The Lady,unbelieving,so berated her husband that he answered father,'You think what I have already told you is a wonder.'


48. Modern consumers demand to be wooed, not berated.


49. Even negative attention, such as being berated, can have a short-term influence on attitude.


50. And the chief priests and the scribes stood by, vehemently accusing Him. Sementara itu imam-imam kepala dan ahli-ahli Taurat maju ke depan dan melontarkan tuduhan-tuduhan yang berat terhadap Dia.


51. ye shall do no servile work. Dan pada hari yang ketujuh haruslah kamu mengadakan pertemuan yang kudus, maka tidak boleh kamu melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan berat.


52. I am not able to bear all this people alone, because [it is] too heavy for me. Aku seorang diri tidak dapat memikul tanggung jawab atas seluruh bangsa ini, sebab terlalu berat bagiku.


53. The old man berated him once more and told him to return in another five days.


54. And Retchung berated himself saying, " how stupid that is placing yourself on his level and already showing disrespect.


55. Tabaku A, et al.Biologiecal monitoring of lead exposure in high risk groupsin Berat [J].Albania, J - Epidemiol - community Health.Apri, 1998 52(4) :234-6.


56. As much as promiscuous women are berated they are far more popular because they tend to fulfill men’s desires though they are rapidly discarded afterwards.


57. Another individual, discovering signs of zeal creeping into my blood, berated me for having lost my detachment, my pure skeptical point of view.


58. The problem is that no matter which classification women fall into they are berated for it.


59. He still lives with his brother and sister-in-law and is constantly berated by his sister-in-law for being a deadbeat.


60. Hung-chien berated him for spoiling things.Miss Sun only smiled indulgently like a mother looking on while her children fuss
