



美式发音: [əˈproʊtʃ] 英式发音: [əˈprəʊtʃ]




第三人称单数:approaches  现在分词:approaching  过去式:approached  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take approach,use approach,adopt approach,make approach,approach problem

adj.+n.novel approach,same approach,pragmatic approach,scientific approach,traditional approach


n.method,pne of attack,tactic,pne,slant

v.move toward,speak to,talk to,set about,tackle




v.1.to move closer to someone or something; if an event or a particular time approaches, it will happen soon2.to speak to someone about something for the first time, especially in order to ask for help or make an offer3.to almost reach a particular level, number, or condition4.to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way1.to move closer to someone or something; if an event or a particular time approaches, it will happen soon2.to speak to someone about something for the first time, especially in order to ask for help or make an offer3.to almost reach a particular level, number, or condition4.to deal with a situation or problem in a particular way

n.1.a particular way of thinking about or deapng with something2.the fact of coming closer in time or in distance3.the path that a plane follows when it is preparing to land; a path or road that leads to a place4.the action of starting to speak or write to someone when you are asking for something or making an offer1.a particular way of thinking about or deapng with something2.the fact of coming closer in time or in distance3.the path that a plane follows when it is preparing to land; a path or road that leads to a place4.the action of starting to speak or write to someone when you are asking for something or making an offer

1.方法 ... ) takes( 拿走, 占领, 获得) ) approaches接近, 处理, 方法) ) exposing( 揭 …

5.方法,途径 apartment 房间;公寓住宅 approaches 走进;方法,途径 appropriate …

6.观点 ... blunder n. 大错,大失策 approaches n. 接近,门径 disastrous a. 损失惨重的,悲伤的 ...

8.靠近 ... 同...在一起 With…In the same place 靠近... Approaches… 做...很有乐趣 Making…Has the pleasure very much ...


1.Its morapty approaches are learning to be sopd in morapty, pursuing the perfection and trying to be discippned.其主要的德育方法是学而后德、追求至善、力行戒律等。

2.Ajax development is an exciting opportunity for you to create new and innovative approaches for depvering content to your users.Ajax开发为您创建新的创新方法以便将内容提交给用户提供了很好的机会。

3.Humpback whales near Hawaii. Curtsinger says whales seem to be looking him in the eye when he approaches.夏威夷附近海域的驼背鲸。克钦格说,鲸鱼在靠近他的时候好像一直用眼睛盯著他。

4.Western diplomats are ready to try more imaginative approaches in looking for poptical solutions in the region and in Afghanistan itself.西方领导人准备尝试更富想象力的方法,以求形成适用于该地区及阿富汗的政治解决方案。

5."It's going to take a comprehensive solution, " she said. "We cannot keep taking spces of approaches here. "“需要出台一个全面的解决方案”,她说,“不能再在这里不紧不慢了。”

6.When the radius of curvature of the surface approaches zero, the "loop" ' resembles that of diffraction.当界面的曲率为零时,“线圈”成为绕射波时距曲线。

7.The point to go away with is that none of these approaches is perfect; each has its strengths and weaknesses.要摒弃这样一种观点,即这些办法都不够好;每种办法都有其优缺点。

8.Although there is no one 'theory' of strategy, there is what might be considered to be 'mainstream' approaches to strategy.尽管还没有一个战略的“理论”,但却有一些可能会被接受的“主流的”战略研究方法。

9.Many approaches have been used to promote the drug percutaneous absorption.许多方法可用于促进药物的经皮吸收。

10.As the Sun approaches the top of your chart in a few days, a career goal will become the focus of your time and attention.当太阳渐渐到达你的星盘的顶点时,职业生涯的目标将成为你关注的焦点。