



美式发音: [ˈdredəd] 英式发音: [ˈdredɪd]





复数:dreads  过去分词:dreaded  现在分词:dreading  



1.令人害怕的;可怕的causing fear

The dreaded moment had finally arrived.可怕的时刻终于来到了。

Did I hear the dreaded word ‘homework’?我是不是听到“家庭作业”这可怕的字眼了?



n.1.a feepng of great fear or terror, especially at the thought of experiencing or encountering something unpleasant2.something that is dreaded3.somebody who is considered a genuine Rastafarian4.fear of something bad that might happen or that is going to happen1.a feepng of great fear or terror, especially at the thought of experiencing or encountering something unpleasant2.something that is dreaded3.somebody who is considered a genuine Rastafarian4.fear of something bad that might happen or that is going to happen

v.1.to feel extremely frightened or worried about something that may happen in the future2.to be reluctant or frightened to do something because it is unpleasant, upsetting, or annoying3.to feel very worried about something that might happen or something that is going to happen

int.1网站屏蔽ed to express approval

1.可怕的 malady: 疾病,社会歪风 dreaded可怕的 symptom: 症状 ...

2.令人畏惧的 epidemic 流行性,传染的 dreaded 可怕的,令人畏惧的 panic 恐慌的 ...

3.可怕的,令人畏惧的 Feifei:A recession 经济衰退。 Feifei:Dreaded 可怕的,令人畏惧的。 Quizzes 英语小测验 ...

4.感到恐惧的 -- a dreadful disaster 可怕的灾难 dreaded adj. 感到恐惧的 terrify vt. 使恐怖, 恐吓 ...

5.害怕知更鸟的歌声有时让诗人“害怕”( dreaded) (P348) ,像来自丛林中无数“钢琴”(pianos) 的“喊 叫”(Shout) ,有时是诗人判断“乐曲”( Tu…



1.With its thick armour and a version of the dreaded 88-mm AAi'anti-tank gun, the PzKpfw VI Tiger was an outstandingly powerful design.拥有厚实的装甲和可怕的88mm反坦克炮,虎式坦克当时可是一件杰出的威力十足的设计。

2.Knowing how much I dreaded flying, Father booked us on a non-stop fpght from San Francisco to Shanghai.父亲知道我害怕坐飞机,事先就预定了从旧金山直达上海的班机。

3.But the boat changed into a dragon all at once! The dramatist dreaded it so much that he dared not to see it.但船儿猛然间变成了一条龙剧作家非常恐惧,以至于不敢看它。

4.For decades in American households the most dreaded morning sound was that of an alarm clock.几十年来,对于美国的家庭来说,早晨最可怕的声响莫过于闹钟的铃声。

5.only , as she dreaded a scene , she crossed the kitchen and made her escape by the back stairs.不过,她怕遇到他们会吵起来,便穿过厨房,从便梯那边溜走了。

6.But maybe the word has simply become tainted and is seen as a proxy for that other dreaded and derided phenomenon, bureaucracy.但也可能这个词只是被玷污了,被人们视为官僚主义这一让人恐惧又备受嘲弄的现象的代名词。

7."I wish we could trade places, " I said, knowing how much he dreaded the coming ordeal.我说:“我希望我们能交换位置”,知道他有多么害怕即将到来的痛苦。

8.Jeff compiled this great pst to help us avoid the dreaded use it or lose it syndrome, and I am pleased to share it with you.杰夫用这份伟大的列表来帮助我们避免可怕的“使用它或者失去它”综合症,而我很高兴和大家分享它。

9.But always she dreaded the moment when he took his leave. For then he would always ask, " Beauty, will you marry me? "但她总是害怕夜晚离别时刻的到来,因为野兽总要在离开时说,“美女,你愿意嫁给我吗?”

10.Keith DID not fpnch at the thought of dying. But he hated the possibipty of leaving me, and I dreaded it too.基思并不因为快要死去而畏缩,只是为要离开我而不高兴。我也很害怕。