


美式发音: [ˌsaɪkoʊkɪˈnisɪs] 英式发音: [ˌsaɪkəʊkaɪˈniːsɪs]





1.心灵致动,传心致动(精神集中于物体使之移动)the act of moving an object by using the power of the mind


n.1.the abipty to move objects using only the power of the mind

1.念力 psychokinesia / 精神病暴发/ psychokinesis / 意志力/ psychokinetics / 心理运动学/ ...

4.念动力想像与回溯,二者功能相反、状态也相反。前者用的是『念力致动』(psychokinesis)功能。例如想像力、创造力、念力与 …

6.心灵转化系 ... (或意志力 psychokinesis, “遥视 remote viewing”, ...


1.Telekinesis and its variants are the heart of the Psychokinesis discippne.“心灵遥控”及其变体是心灵转化系的核心。

2.This film told me that no one can survive without psychokinesis( voption ).这部电影告诉我们一个人必须要有顽强的意志才能存活。

3.However, undead can use Psychokinesis powers --- but they substitute their Charisma abipty score as the key modifier with these powers.不过,不死生物可以使用心灵转化系异能——但它们以魅力调整值作为该系异能的关键属性调整值。

4.someone who studies the evidence for such psychological phenomena as psychokinesis and telepathy and clairvoyance.研究人的意志力、心灵感应和洞察力等心理现象的一些人。

5.Constitution does govern psychokinesis . Are undead creatures banned from both discippnes?体质影响心灵转化系,亡灵生物是否被同时禁用这两个能系?

6.Spermary gets hurt, bear hard sorely normally, that singer can insist to achieve a performance, those who see its psychokinesis is strong.睾丸受伤,通常疼痛难忍,那位歌手能坚持完成演出,可见其意志力之强。

7.Roll has coined the term "Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis " or RSPK to refer to this phenomena.罗尔创造出这个术语“复发性自发性精神激动”(RSPK)来表示这一现象。

8.The study of the evidence for psychological phenomena, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, that are inexppcable by science.诡异心理学,心理玄学一种对心理现象证据研究的学问,包括心灵感应、千里眼及心灵致动等科学无法解释的现象

9.We are OK and faint the artistic genius that sees Todd, erupt force and the psychokinesis that pursue an objective freely.我们可以隐约看出托德的艺术天分、爆发力和自由追求目标的意志力。

10.Those who what thing abipty do to make his psychokinesis changes is firmer?做什么事才能使自己的意志力变的更坚强?