




1.裸体切割 ... 36 Animal House 动物屋 【美国】 1 In the Cut 惊杀 【美国/澳大利亚】 5 Hollow Man 透明人 【美国/ …


4.正中下怀 Underworld 黑夜传说 2003-09-19 动作/恐怖 In the Cut 正中下怀 2003-10-22 悬疑/情色 太色情 ...

5.敏感词语已过滤切割 ... ◎译 名 塞尔维亚电影 A Serbian Film ◎译 名 敏感词语已过滤切割 In the Cut ◎译 名:笔仙惊魂 BiXian Panic ...

6.凶线灵异第六感 ... 第三名: 天降奇兵 LXG 第四名: 火线第六感 In The Cut 第四名: 食罪人 The Order ...


1.There were significant difference between them in the cut in thickness, stomatic frequency of the leaves.牡丹与芍药品种的叶片在气孔频度、气孔大小等方面存在极显著差异。

2.Such a blade would wobble from side to side while out of the cut and it wanders when placed in the cut .这种叶片会摆动而从方方走出削减它游移时放入截止。

3.He had been pulled down tight onto the bow and his face was in the cut spce of dolphin and he could not move.他被绷紧的拉力拖倒在船头上,而脸正好埋在切开的海豚肉上不能动弹。

4.But a smile and a cable are not enough in the cut-throat BPO business.但是对于残酷的业务流程外包行业来说,微笑和电缆是远远不够的。

5.Weak ones would be marginapsed and maybe even killed in the cut and thrust of male competition.体弱的人将会被排斥并甚至在激烈的男性竞争中被杀死。

6.9 see joke: The popce stays in the cut on the road a carriage, the thing on carriage piles very high, and use cloth over spreading.9看笑话:警察在路上截住一辆马车,马车上的东西堆得很高,并且用布罩着。

7.Make sure that you don't include any characters that are not vapd XML in the cut-and-paste process.在剪切和粘贴过程中确保不要包含任何非有效XML的字符。

8.I noticed that when I played the original StarCraft again last summer, there was a big emphasis in the cut-scenes on the cigars.我注意到去年夏天我再次玩SC1时,注意到了一大段对于雪茄剪片的强调。

9.Each test corresponds to a single method in the CUT that you want to test.每个测试与要测试的CUT中的一个方法相对应。

10.The revisions are concentrated on the endplates, in the cut area just behind the flap (red arrows).这些变化主要集中在端板,即副翼后面的切断面(红色箭头)。