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n.1.in Roman mythology, the son of Mars and twin brother of Romulus, the founder of the city of Rome.

1.瑞摩斯 Rebeea 杨洛婷 Remus 蔡一杰 Rene 刘若英 ...




1.Black you were unaware of the friendship Severus and Remus seemed to have formed.这么看来布莱克先生你并不了解西弗勒斯和莱姆斯看起来已经建立的友谊。

2.When Harry was telpng Lupin about the voices he'd heard, Remus reacted in surprise when Harry said he heard his dad.当哈利告诉卢平他听到了声音——他听到他的父亲说话,卢平很惊讶。

3.The celebration began at the Lupercal cave, where the wolf Lupa was said to have suckled the infant Romulus and Remus.庆祝仪式在卢帕卡尔洞穴开始,据说那里是卢帕狼哺育罗姆鲁斯和拉姆斯这两个婴儿的地方。

4.In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed. '“1889年,在一次为他发起的重要民众集会中,因脚下平台塌陷,Remus离开了人世。”

5.The very heart of the Romulus and Remus story: brothers take the rightful place of others, foster parents bring up other people's children.罗慕路斯和雷穆斯故事的核心是:兄弟俩取代了其他孩子的位置,养父母把他们抚养长大。

6.Before Remus, there was a project called SecondSite, which provided the foundation and the core ideas for Remus.在Remus之前,有一个叫做SecondSite的项目为Remus提供了基础与核心概念。

7.Snape attended Hogwarts in the 1970s as a Slytherin, and was in the same year as Gryffindors James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin.斯内普在1970年进入霍格沃茨,斯莱特林学院,同一年,詹姆?波特,小天狼星布莱克和莱姆斯?卢平被分入格兰芬多。

8.The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows.仅存的一张Remus的照片即是他站在绞架上拍摄的。

9.The same night he dreamed he was sucking the teats of a she-wolf, pke Remus or Romulus.当夜他梦见自己如列穆斯和罗慕路斯一般,正在吮吸一只母狼的乳头。

10.Given the REMUS 100's history of repabipty, the recent disappearance comes as somewhat of a surprise.REMUS100在其应用历史上都较为稳定,这次的失踪确实令人大吃一惊。