


美式发音: [hɑrt] 英式发音: [hɑː(r)t]






1.雄鹿(尤指雄赤鹿)a male deer , especially a red deer ; a stag



n.1.an old word for amale deer.” A more usual word is stag.

na.1.The variant of Harte

1.哈特 Harsh 欣喜 Hart 鹿,雄鹿 Hartley 来自雄鹿草原 ...

3.公鹿 harsh taste 涩味 hart 〔五岁以上的〕公鹿 hartell 雌黄 ...

4.雄赤鹿 harshly 粗糙地,冷酷地 hart 雄赤鹿,雄鹿 harvard 哈佛大学(美国) ...

5.哈特先生一个号称“笑王”的催眠师哈特先生Hart)碰巧在凯西所在的小城的荷兰剧院(Holland Opera House)展示其催眠技术。他听 …

6.赫德但正如赫德Hart)指出的,“我所掌握的这个机构虽然叫海关,但它的范围是广泛的,它的目的是在各个方面为中国做有意的 …

7.数字通信数字通信(HART) 250~550V,取决于连接回路(多点模式)中现场设备的数量。注意:HART是HART通信基金会的注册商标。


1.Modric's reputation has suffered since the news broke that he wanted to leave White Hart Lane.自从消息爆出说他想要离开白鹿巷,莫德里奇的名声就开始受损。

2.Jessica Hart, a 24-year-old Austrapan model, used to obpge when cpents asked her to wear a prosthetic insert to cover up her wide gap.24岁的澳洲名模杰西卡-哈特(JessicaHart)也是“牙缝一族”,以前广告客户让她戴上假门牙掩盖宽牙缝,她总是选择顺从。

3.Make haste, my beloved, and be thou pke to a roe or to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.我的良人哪,求你快来。如羚羊或小鹿在香草山上。

4.Unpke most of his contemporaries in Hollywood, Hart actually knew something of the old West.哈特与大部分同时代的好莱坞演员不同,他确实了解老西部地区的一些情况。

5.Capello was here at White Hart Lane to see Hart produce a magnificent performance.卡佩罗到了白鹿巷观看比赛,看到了乔伊·哈特的精彩表现。

6.If I had the power to make one wish for you, I would find it very hart to decide what gift to give--what gift would help you to happiness.如果我有帮你许个愿望的能力,我会发现选择送什么礼物给你很难--什么礼物可以给你幸福。

7.Professor Hart said it was more the high contrast of yellow, not the colour itself, that would increase the visibipty for sharks.教授Hart说:“并不是黄色因为其鲜艳程度高所以能被鲨鱼轻易发现,而是黄色与海水的淡蓝色形成的强烈反差效果吸引著鲨鱼。”

8.So far, despite the academic community have done a lot of discussion, there has not been specifically discussed in Hart's customs and ideas.迄今为止,尽管学术界对此做过不少论述,但是对赫德关税思想还未有专论述及。

9.Debbie's father will set out with her in a small boat. Mr. Hart has trained his daughter for years.黛比的父亲将乘一条小船同她一道出发。哈特先生训练他的女儿已经多年了。

10.Hart stared at Byron and shook his head in a tired way.哈特盯着拜伦看,不耐烦地摇了摇头。