




1.白细胞介素4 白细胞介素2( iL-2) 白细胞介素4iL-4) 白细胞介素5( iL-5) ...

2.伊尔4 白介素-3 IL-3 白介素-4 IL-4 白介素-5 IL-5 ...

4.介白素-4 化学系所 Department of Chemistry 介白素-4 IL-4 高共轭三芳香胺紫质之合成 Synthesis of porphyrin-triarylamine hybrids ...

5.第四介白质 IL-3 人白介素-3 IL-4 人白介素-4 IL-5 人白介素-5 ...

7.第四型介白素 B育儿细胞激活因子-2 BSF-2;α 白育儿细胞介素-4 IL-4 B育儿细胞激活因子-1 BSF-1 ...


1.Thousands of residents applaud at a square during the inauguration of a mosaic portrait of Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang, April 9, 2012.2012.4.9.在平壤,几千名市民在金正日马赛克肖像的揭幕式鼓掌欢呼。

2.The stress-induced behavioral shifts appeared to correlate with IL-4 concentration in blood of stress-sustained rats.应力诱导行为转变似乎相关,IL-4的浓度血液中的应力持续作用。

3.By producing the potent cytokine IL-4, basophils seemed able to nudge T cells down the TH2 route.通过生成强大的细胞因子IL-4,嗜碱性细胞可促进TH2反应。

4.Detection of the normal group, mediation decoction group, SASP group, model group of serum IL-4 content; and statistical analysis.检测正常组、调解汤组、柳氮磺吡啶(SASP)组、模型组的血清IL-4含量,并进行统计学分析。

5.A Taepodong-1 launching in 1998 helped Mr. Kim consopdate power four years after the death of his father, President Kim Il-sung.大浦洞1号导弹发射于1998年,金正日的“铁腕”父亲金日成主席去世4年之后。

6.Conclusion As an adjuvant, IL-4 DNA can improve the protective effect of cathepsin B DNA vaccine in mice against S. japonicum infection.结论重组IL-4能提高日本血吸虫组织蛋白酶B核酸疫苗的抗血吸虫保护力作用,具有佐剂的免疫效应。

7.Many transcription factors are involved in the regulation of expression of the gene encoding IL-4.许多转录因子参与调控表达的基因编码IL-4的。

8.Comparing to the model groups, the IL-4 of high and low dose groups was increased and showed difference obviously.青鹏膏剂高、低剂量组IL-4值较模型组升高,有显著性差异。

9.And why did Kim Jong-il suddenly scuttle off to China, his second visit in under four months?金正日为什么突然跑到中国,在4个月内第二次访华?

10.The concentration of IL-4 decreased indistinctly in control group but increased in treatment group.4在对照组中下降不明显,治疗组在整个病程中呈上升趋势。