




1.民主正当性梏,同样应以法律因应,藉由公民投票机制所展现之「 民主正当性 」 ( democratic legitimacy ) 与基本人权价值,对抗中 …

2.民主合法性民主合法性democratic legitimacy)来源——宪法依据,或议会法律的授权依据,或  二、现行学说:模糊与矛盾丛生   如前所 …


1.besides his democratic legitimacy, he is far from the only one responsible for the weakness of the recovery.另外由于民主正当性原因,经济好转的态势缓慢也远非他一个人的责任。

2.But reform needs to be sustained for years, and that requires democratic legitimacy more than anything else.不过,改革通常都需持续几年,并且,它对民主合法性的要求胜过一切。

3.Without more democratic legitimacy, integration is doomed. The danger is that the vanguard may get out too far ahead of the citizens.没有更加民主的立法机构,一体化注定要失败,原因就在于先锋们太超前于一般公民。

4.The new government, with its undoubted democratic legitimacy, is the best on offer.伊拉克新政府,这个具有合法性的民主政府将会是撤军的第一个牺牲品。

5.Last summer Germany's constitutional court ruled that the EU lacked the democratic legitimacy to push European integration further.去年夏天,德国宪法法庭指责欧盟缺乏进一步推动欧洲一体化的民主化程序。

6.For our purposes, the important point is that the question itself is one of democratic legitimacy.然而,我们只需了解这是个民主正当性问题即可。

7.True, the eurozone's leadership has disposed of George Papandreou's disruptive desire for democratic legitimacy.没错,欧元区领导人挫败了希腊总理乔治•帕潘德里欧(GeorgePapandreou)以民主方式确立合法性的破坏性想法。

8.The appeal of China's brand of state capitapsm - its competence and performance - is offset by its lack of democratic legitimacy.中国国家资本主义的吸引力——它的能力和表现——抵销了其缺乏民主正统性带来的负面影响。

9.The problem of democratic legitimacy is homologous to the problem of constitutional democracy: how to protect the dignity of the king?民主合法性的问题跟宪政民主的问题是类似的:怎么保护国王的尊严?