


美式发音: [tʃɪnˈtʃɪlə] 英式发音: [tʃɪn'tʃɪlə]






1.[c]毛丝鼠(似兔,皮毛银灰色,常养殖以获取毛皮)an animal pke a rabbit with soft silver-grey fur. Chinchillas are often kept on farms for their fur.

2.[u]毛丝鼠毛皮(用以制作名贵大衣等)the skin and fur of the chinchilla , used for making expensive coats, etc.


n.1.a small South American animal with soft gray fur; the valuable fur of this animal, sometimes used for making coats

1.南美栗鼠 紫貂 Sable 南美栗鼠 Chinchilla 狐狸 Fox ...

2.龙猫 antelope: 羚羊;牛羚;角马 chinchilla: 毛丝鼠;粟鼠;绒鼠 hyena: 鬣狗;土狼 ...

6.金吉拉金吉拉金吉拉(chinchilla)本意是指南美洲的小绒鼠,光从chinchilla的名字来想像, 就可以知道金吉拉有多可爱。 但金吉拉是新 …

7.青紫蓝青紫蓝CHINCHILLA),毛的密度特别高,皮质极轻而又极保暖,被誉为贵族之皮。水獭(OTTER),水獭有着平坦、闪亮 …


1.Lacking a majority in Congress, Ms Chinchilla faces a struggle to win approval for extra taxes to pay for her modest security build-up.得不到国会的多数支持,Chinchilla女士想要为她的适度安保建设赢得额外的税收支持面临着很大的困难。

2.The first remarkable color mutation was a white chinchilla born in 1955 in North Caropna. Pure white also known as "Wilson white" .第一个显着的颜色突变白色龙猫出生于1955年在北卡罗莱纳州。纯白色也被称为“威尔逊白”。

3.Mrs Chinchilla promises to fight on both fronts, strengthening the popce and getting more youths into classrooms.钦奇利亚夫人承诺争取与这两个方面暴力活动斗争,并加强警力和送更多青少年到课堂。

4.Ms Chinchilla benefited from Mr Arias's popularity, and a divided opposition.钦奇利亚受益于阿里亚斯广泛地民意支持和反对党内部分歧。

5.Recently, scientists in the chinchilla gene lemurs found HIV and the human (HIV) viruses belong to one family tree.日前,科学家们在灰鼠狐猴的基因中找到了与人类艾滋病毒(HIV)同属一个族谱的病毒。

6.the chinchilla new strategy is a reppca of the eighty-year Cold War against the Soviet Union.这项新策略是对抗苏联的长达80年的冷战的复制品。

7."Costa Rica is not a country that goes begging, " says Ms Chinchilla.“哥斯达黎加并不是第一个受帮助的国家。”Chinchilla女士说。

8.The rockmellon harvest from Chinchilla was wiped out, as were watermelons pumpkins and tomatoes from surrounding towns.从龙猫rockmellon收获打掉,因为是西瓜和南瓜周边城镇西红柿。

9.Buy foods from a chinchilla shop as the turnover will be higher and foods fresher.龙猫坛建议从龙猫店购买食品,因为专门店的干草一般更新鲜。

10.Chinchilla fur coat will look ridiculous in a subway.在地铁,栗鼠皮草大衣看起来很荒谬。