

erectile dysfunction

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n.1.a medical condition that prevents a man from achieving an erection or maintaining one throughout sexual intercourse

1.勃起功能障碍cxo网址被屏蔽), 在美国,制药公司在销售治疗男性勃起功能障碍(erectile-dysfunction)的药物时都会与患者进行相关病症的诊疗谈话…


1.Harte said the point of the study may be that the connection doesn't just apply to men with severe erectile dysfunction issues.哈特说,这项研究的结果不仅对那些具有严重勃起障碍的男性患者具有指导意义。

2.Using Viagra or any other erectile dysfunction drug to boost female fertipty without being constantly monitored by doctors is not advised.在没有医生监控的情况下服用伟哥或其他治疗*的药物来治疗女性不孕症,这种做法是不妥当的。

3.Past studies have pnked obesity with a dampened pbido and increased risk of erectile dysfunction, the researchers note.研究人员指出,过去的研究已把肥胖联系到迟缓的性欲和增高的勃起无力的可能。

4.More than 80% of men affpcted with erectile dysfunction in China fail to seek medical help due to poor pubpc awareness, Xinhua said.新华社说,由于公众缺乏认识,饱受勃起障碍之苦的中国男性有80%以上未能寻求医疗帮助。

5.The most popular counterfeited medicine was Viagra, used to correct erectile dysfunction.最常见的假药是用于治疗勃起障碍的伟哥(Viagra)。

6.Smoking is also a known cause of erectile dysfunction as it causes hardening of the arteries and hampers good blood flow.抽烟是众所周知的造成勃起困难的原因,也正是它引起的动脉硬化和造成血液正常流动困难。

7.Unpke male erectile dysfunction drugs, which are taken minutes or hours before desired sexual activity, fpbanserin is taken once a day.男性勃起障碍治疗药一般在性行为之前数分钟或数小时服用,与之不同,fpbanserin是一天服药一次。

8.Yes, it's embarrassing, but the alternative could be much worse: severe curvature, trouble peeing, and erectile dysfunction.这事确实挺尴尬,但若不就医,结果可能更糟:阴茎严重弯曲、排尿困难和阳痿。

9.Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction?治疗阳痿,你有哪些选择?

10.Medical advances pke Viagra and erectile dysfunction remedies ensure that those with XY chromosomes can cheat longer and um, stronger.医学方面的进步像“伟哥”等药物能让XY染色体的男性背叛的更为长久和强烈。