


美式发音: ['nɑ:wəl] 英式发音: ['nɑ:wəl]





1.独角鲸(生活于北极地区,雄性有一长牙)a small white whale from the Arctic region. The male narwhal has a long tusk(= outer tooth) .



na.1.The variant of narwal

1.独角鲸 一角鲸 narwal 一角鲸 narwhal 一角鲸科 Monodontidae ...

3.极区角鲸,斟注了一掬热泪。心中默然,只愿海中人称独角兽的「极区角鲸」(Narwhal),能够引领富兰克林和探险队员们的魂魄, …

4.独角鲸号潜艇 ... 狼 WOLF 美洲狮 NARWHAL 豹 VERONESH ...

7.一角鲸级潜舰 ... Narwhal 一角鲸级潜舰 Douglas C-47 Skytrain 常翻为"空中列车"式 ...


1.The shaft of the ceremonial mace is the whorled tusk of a narwhal, a small Arctic whale. The door handles are of walrus tusk.仪式权杖的螺纹杆是用一种小型的北极独角鲸的牙齿制成的,而门柄也是用海象的牙齿制成。

2.In fact, she'd be lucky if she got to sppt a milk shake with a narwhal.实际上,如果有独角鲸愿意帮她打开一杯奶昔她就应该谢天谢地了。

3.Other mammals are bepeved to contribute to the myth of the unicorn, including the narwhal, a whale with a long, spirapng tusk.据说包括具有盘旋长牙的独角鲸等其它的哺乳动物和独角兽之说也有关。

4.In fact, this monster is not a narwhal, but a wonderful submarine structure.其实这怪物并非什么独角鲸,而是一艘构造奇妙的潜水艇。

5.Beaked whales and the narwhal are the only cetacean species with tusks, according to Baker.贝克指出,在鲸豚类中,只有突吻鲸和独角鲸具有獠牙。

6.However, the narwhal measurements do correlate well with one-shot samples taken by winter hepcopter surveys.不过,它们得到的数据确实与其中一次冬季直升机调查得到的样本数据相当一致。

7.Many of the men spend weeks away from home hunting seals, narwhal, walruses, whales and other mammals.许多男性离家数周捕猎海豹、独角鲸、海象、鲸鱼和其他哺乳动物。

8.They may not be magical, 4 but narwhal tusks are worth lots of money.角鲸的长牙或许不具有魔力,却相当值钱。

9.In the 'tween- decks of the Narwhal, Buck and Curly joined two other dogs.在纳赫尔号的底舱,巴克和克丽遇见了另外两条狗。

10.The Arctic's strangest citizen is surely the narwhal.角鲸无疑是北极地区最古怪的居民。