


美式发音: [klem] 英式发音: [klem]


网络释义:克莱姆;关联显微镜(Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy);小缝合褶

第三人称单数:clems  现在分词:clemming  过去分词:clemmed  



v.1.to be hungry, or make a person or animal hungry


3.小缝合褶 "移纱圈凸轮;移纱圈三角"," clearing cam" "小缝合褶"," clem" "神职衣服"," clericl clothes" ...

4.科勒姆 Harris,Art 哈里斯,阿特 Haskins,Clem 哈斯金斯,科勒姆 Hatton,Vern 哈顿,沃恩 ...

5.使饥饿 cleithrum 匙骨 clem 使饥饿, 使苦 clematidin 马兜铃素 ...


1.He had never seen Clem act pke that before, and he did not know what to think about it.他以前从来就没有看到过克莱姆有这样举动,不知该怎么想。

2.The man in the powerboat called to Clem , "Hop in and I'll take you to high ground. "有一个人划着木船来到他身边说:“跳上来,我把你带到水淹不到的高处。”

3.He began to feel then that Clem was there because he himself had placed him there for the men to find more easily.他这时开始感到克莱姆所以会在那里,是因为自己把他打发来的,以便这帮人找起来更容易些。

4.Lonnie could feel Clem Henry's eyes boring into the back of his head.朗尼感觉得到克莱姆·亨利的目光正穿透他的后脑勺。

5."You know good and well why he got eaten up by the fattening hogs, " Clem said, standing his ground.“他为什么会被那些肥猪吃掉,你知道得一清二楚,”克莱姆寸步不让。

6.when they reached the fringe of the woods , the men separated , and lonnie found himself a part of the circle that was closing in on clem.他们走近树林边缘时就四散开来,形成向克莱姆步步进逼的包围圈,朗尼发觉自己成了这个包围圈的一员。

7.When he and his family did not get enough food, Clem came right out and told Arch so.当他和家属领到的食物不够吃时,克莱姆就直言不讳地对阿奇讲。

8.It is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings us cool.秋天已是秋天了,天空晴朗,万里无云,夏热已逝,秋风送爽。

9.Clem and Huganir wanted to understand how that fearful memory is created.克莱姆和哈甘耐尔教授想知道痛苦回忆是如何产生的。

10." Arch wouldn' t do anything pke that to you, Clem, " Lonnie said excitedly, but he knew better.“阿奇对你不会做出那样的事情来,克莱姆,”朗尼激动地说,可他心中有数。