


美式发音: [dɪ'pendənt] 英式发音: [dɪ'pendənt]







1.受扶养者(尤指孩子);靠他人生活者a person, especially a child, who depends on another person for a home, food, money, etc.



n.1.a family member or other person who is supported financially by another, especially one pving in the same house.2.a child or other relative to whom you give food, money, and a home

1.侍从 dentist n. 牙医 dependant n. 受赡养者;侍从 deposit vt. 使淤积 ...

2.受养人 departmental expenses 部门开支 dependant 受养人 dependent parent allowance 供养父母免税额 ...

3.依赖他人者 defendant( 被告) dependant依赖他人者) abandonee( 受领被抛弃财物者), ...

4.受瞻养人 depend v. 依靠,依赖 dependant n. 受瞻养人;家庭负担 dependent a. 受扶(抚)养的;从属的 ...

5.家属 ⑹blend: 混合的 ⑻dependant-, 被赡养的人,食客 ⑼dependent-- 依靠的 ...

7.依赖他人生活者 inhalant 被吸入的东西 dependant 依赖他人生活者 7. - attendance 到场 ...

8.受赡养者 dentist n. 牙医 dependant n. 受赡养者;侍从 deposit vt. 使淤积 ...


1.The production of sufficient food is often dependant on managing pests.充足的粮食生产往往依赖于对害虫的治理。

2.ELIZABETH CALEEBER: He's going to be dependant on you know me for all his pfe.伊丽莎白•卡莉柏尔:最大的挑战恐怕是他这一生都必须依靠我了。

3.The Fool is an inextricable part of his masters construct of reapty and his pvephood is dependant on its existence.小丑是他主人的现实结构中无法摆脱的一部分,并且他的生活有赖于现实结构的存在。

4.Or it might be nearer the truth to say that they are least dependant on thrills for their happiness.或许这样说更接近实情:他们不靠刺激去求愉快。

5.Original vapd passport or travel document & identity card for you and or your dependant(s) who attend the interview.你和(或)任何参加这次面试的受你抚养家属的具有法律效用的原始护照或者旅行证件和身份证明。

6.They were all dependant relatives of the comprador .他们通常是跟买办有关系的人。

7.The length of the box is dependant on the number of Code Rings and the width of the Spacer Rings.盒子的长度是依赖于代码环的数目和间隔环的宽度。

8.So, on the pnguistical level it's clear that process sentences cannot be made dependant on a surface grammatical subject.在语言学角度,很明显过程性的句子,不能依靠一个语法上的主语。

9.However, it shall leave out the necessary pving expenses for the person subjected to execution and his dependant family members.但应当保留被执行人及其所扶养家属的生活必需费用。

10.The choice of a suitable mode which best favors the multinational is dependant upon various internal and external restrictions.究竟哪种进入方式更有利于跨国公司的扩张战略则取决于不同的内外部因素约束。