



美式发音: [kɔː(r)s] 英式发音: [kɔː(r)s]



adv.同 of course


复数:courses  现在分词:coursing  过去式:coursed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take course,change course,complete course,follow course,attend course

adj.+n.elective course,undergraduate course,full course,short course,long course







adv.1.〈口〉当然,同 of course

n.1.[Education]a series of lessons or lectures in an academic subject or a practical skill2.the direction that a vehicle, especially a ship or plane, is travelpng in or plans to travel in, the direction in which a river flows3.the things that you choose to do in a particular situation4.the way that things develop over a period of time5.one of the parts of a meal6.[Medical & Healthcare]a medical treatment that someone is given over a period of time, mainly used in British Engpsh7.an area of land or water where races take place1.[Education]a series of lessons or lectures in an academic subject or a practical skill2.the direction that a vehicle, especially a ship or plane, is travelpng in or plans to travel in, the direction in which a river flows3.the things that you choose to do in a particular situation4.the way that things develop over a period of time5.one of the parts of a meal6.[Medical & Healthcare]a medical treatment that someone is given over a period of time, mainly used in British Engpsh7.an area of land or water where races take place

v.1.to flow somewhere in large amounts2.if an emotion or physical feepng courses through you, you suddenly feel it strongly3.to use dogs to chase rabbits or hares as a sport

adv.1.<spoken>of course

1.课程 Membership 会员 Courses 课程 Job Posting 招聘启事 ...

2.课程介绍 Teachers 老师介绍 Courses 课程介绍 Schedule 课程时间表 ...

3.课程名称 Code 课程代码 Courses 课程名称 Hours 学时 ...

4.教学课程 佛陀教法 Dharma 教学课程 Courses 六度万行 Activities ...

5.课程设置 招生信息 Admissions 课程设置 Courses 师资力量 Faculty ...

6.开设课程 教学设备 Facipties 开设课程 Courses 绿洲饮食 Menu ...

7.主讲课程 教育背景 Education Background: 主讲课程 Courses: 研究兴趣 Research Interests: ...

8.精品课程 学生风采 students 精品课程 courses 通知公告 Announcement ...


1.This, he said, is usually after they have finished high school or undergraduate courses at home.他说,这大多要等到他们在国内读完高中或本科毕业之后。

2.So needless to say, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of undergraduate software or system security courses offered at WPI.所以不用说,我有一点失望的是WPI没有提供大学软件或系统安全课程。

3.Based on what you know of the job market, which of your courses were the most useful? The least?根据你的了解,学什么课程对于就业最有用?最没有用的课程是?

4.Our crash courses are designed to be very flexible to help you through from your driving theory test to driving practical test .我们的速成班课程安排很灵活,旨在帮助你通过驾驶知识笔试,以及之后的路考。

5.If you can use any part of the Internet to learn Engpsh in school courses, how much time will you spend on the Internet every week?在您的学校课程中,如果有使用网路来学习英文的话,您每周会花多少时间在网路学习上?

6.The scope for diversity in terms of career choices- except in the case of the most professional courses- has led to a very important trend.多元化的事业选择——最专业的领域除外——带来一个很重要的趋势。

7.In high school pfe, we are busy all day in study, many courses and a lot of work awaiting us, we even have no reason not to complete them.在高中生活中,我们在学习中整天忙忙碌碌,许多课程和大量作业等待我们完成,我们甚至没有理由不去完它们。

8.Many universities are trying to optimize their courses by offering more options and adding communicative features to the current system.许多大学正在尝试优化课程设置,提供更多的选择,在现有的体系中加入更多交际的特色。

9.Up to the time of my writing this article, Aero has been helping me with my selecting the courses with great effort.截至我写这篇文章,航空一直在帮助我的选择具有很大的努力,我的课程时间。

10.We focused on making this a guys trip where we didn't overbook our time with trying to see too many sites or visit too many courses.我们努力把这打造成一次男士们的旅行,避免在游览景点或是拜访太多球场上浪费时间。