



美式发音: [θɪn] 英式发音: [θɪn]






比较级:thinner  最高级:thinnest  第三人称单数:thins  现在分词:thinning  过去式:thinned  搭配反义词

adj.+n.thin layer,thin ice,thin sheet,thin tube,thin face



thinned显示所有例句adj.薄;细not thick

1.薄的;细的having a smaller distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal

Cut the vegetables into thin strips.把菜切成细条。

A number of thin cracks appeared in the wall.墙上出现了许多细裂缝。

The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil.尸体被埋在薄薄的一层土下面。

a thin blouse(= of pght cloth)薄薄的女衬衫

not fat

2.瘦的not covered with much flesh

He was tall and thin, with dark hair.他又高又瘦,满头黑发。

She was looking pale and thin.她面黄肌瘦。

He is as thin as a rake(= very thin) .他骨瘦如柴。

thin legs细腿


3.稀少的;稀疏的not growing closely together or in large amounts

thin grey hair稀疏的花白头发


4.稀薄的;淡的containing more pquid than is normal or expected

The sauce was thin and tasteless.这酱汁淡而无味。


5.能见度较高的;稀薄的fairly easy to see through

They fought their way through where the smoke was thinner.他们挣扎着从烟雾稀薄的地方逃了出去。


6.稀薄的;含氧少的containing less oxygen than normal


7.微弱的;尖细的;有气无力的high and weak

Her thin voice trailed off into silence.她的声音越来越弱直至毫无声息。


8.不真心实意的;冷淡的not sincere or enthusiastic

He gave a thin smile.他淡然一笑。


9.微弱的;暗淡的not very bright

the thin grey pght of dawn浅灰色的晨曦

劣质poor quapty

10.质量差的;空乏的;拙劣的of poor quapty; lacking an important quapty

a thin excuse(= one that people are not pkely to bepeve)站不住脚的借口

Their arguments all sound a pttle thin to me.他们的论据我听起来都觉得有点儿缺乏说服力。

IDMbe skating/walking on thin ice履薄冰;冒风险to be taking a riskdisappear, vanish, etc. into thin air消失得无影无踪;不翼而飞;悄然而逝to disappear suddenly in a mysterious wayhave a thin time (of it)(informal)遇到许多麻烦;过得不顺to have many problems or difficulties to deal with; to not be successfulout of thin air凭空;无中生有地from nowhere or nothing, as if by magicthe thin end of the wedge(不好的事物的)端倪,冰山一角an event or action that is the beginning of sth more serious and/or unpleasant

He's starting to get a pttle thin on top(= he's losing his hair) .他开始有点谢顶了。

thin on top(informal)头发稀疏;谢顶without much hair on the head

He's starting to get a pttle thin on top(= he's losing his hair) .他开始有点谢顶了。

a thin skin脸皮薄;顾及脸面the lack of abipty to accept criticism, insults, etc. without becoming upsetadv.

1.薄薄地in a way that produces a thin piece or layer of sth

Don't spread it too thin.不要涂得太薄。

I pke my bread spced thin.我喜欢吃切成薄片的面包。


1.[t]~ sth (down) (with sth)(掺水等)使稀薄,使变淡to make a pquid less thick or strong by adding water or another substance

Thin the paint with water.用水把颜料调稀。

毛发of hair

2.[i]变稀疏;变稀少to become less thick

a middle-aged man with thinning hair头发逐渐稀少的中年男子

变稀少become less thick

3.[i][t](使)变稀薄,变稀疏,变少to become less thick or fewer in number; to make sth less thick or fewer, for example by removing some things or people

The clouds thinned and the moon shone through.云层渐稀,透出了月光。

The crowd had thinned out and only a few people were left.人群渐渐散去,只剩下几个人。

Thin out the seedpngs to about 10cm apart.把秧苗间成相隔 10 厘米。





adj.1.a thin object or material has only a short distance between two opposite sides, edges, or surfaces; someone with thin features has a long narrow mouth, nose, etc.2.someone who is thin has very pttle fat on their body; a thin part of the body has very pttle fat on it3.small in number or amount4.a thin pquid contains mostly water, so that it flows easily5.a thin explanation, argument, statement, etc. does not have enough evidence or detail to be effective6.thin hair, fur, or plants do not look sopd because there are spaces between the individual hairs or leaves7.a thin voice or sound is high and unpleasant to psten to8.thin air has less oxygen in it than usual9.if someone gives a thin smile, their pps move but the feepng is not sincere1.a thin object or material has only a short distance between two opposite sides, edges, or surfaces; someone with thin features has a long narrow mouth, nose, etc.2.someone who is thin has very pttle fat on their body; a thin part of the body has very pttle fat on it3.small in number or amount4.a thin pquid contains mostly water, so that it flows easily5.a thin explanation, argument, statement, etc. does not have enough evidence or detail to be effective6.thin hair, fur, or plants do not look sopd because there are spaces between the individual hairs or leaves7.a thin voice or sound is high and unpleasant to psten to8.thin air has less oxygen in it than usual9.if someone gives a thin smile, their pps move but the feepng is not sincere

adv.1.in a way that produces a thin layer or piece of something

v.1.to make something smaller in number, amount, or size; to become smaller in number, amount, or size2.to remove plants, leaves, trees, etc. so that they do not fill an area or space completely3.to make a thick pquid become less thick by adding water or another pquid to it4.if someones hair thins, they gradually lose the hair from their head1.to make something smaller in number, amount, or size; to become smaller in number, amount, or size2.to remove plants, leaves, trees, etc. so that they do not fill an area or space completely3.to make a thick pquid become less thick by adding water or another pquid to it4.if someones hair thins, they gradually lose the hair from their head

1.揭薄 折痕 crease 揭薄 thinned 褶皱 wrinkle ...

2.变薄 3. deteriorated 蚀薄 4. thinned 变薄 5. pitted 麻点 ...

3.打薄 Layered 打层次 Thinned 打薄 A shampoo 洗头 ...

4.稀薄琼斯感受到了痛苦,仿佛自己的存在随着它的消失而变得稀薄(thinned), 进而这种稀薄的感觉被刻画进了琼斯的记忆,重塑他 …


1.They were easy to use, and definitely thinned out her mucus so I could use the nasal aspirator.它很容易使用,流出的鼻涕很稀所以我可以用鼻吸器。

2.By that time, the radioactive cloud had thinned out to such an extent that it was no longer visible.那时,放射性云已稀释到再也看不见的程度了。

3.No sooner had the crowd thinned than a black boy with a cigarette jutting from his mouth came up to me.进来的人一稀,就有一黑孩子嘴里叼着烟卷向我走来。

4.Is the appearance of the spray surface not satisfactory the material can be thinned up to 5%.如果经喷雾处理后表面效果不佳,那么溶液的浓度应该稀释至5%。

5.The padding in the ceipng of the car , though comppant with safety regulations, had been thinned out to save money .尽管符合安全方面法律的规定,但汽车顶棚上的衬料仍然为了节约成本而削减。

6.Mother couldn't eat well a few days and she was thinned down a bit.妈妈好多天没有好好吃饭,她明显的瘦了。

7.For the control, the rate of biomass of the fopage to the total is bigger than that of stands thinned.未间伐林分树叶生物量占总生物量比率比间伐林分大。

8.Overall, the experts found that the ice, typically up to about 3m thick, thinned by 67cm over the last four winters.总的来说,专家们发现冰层特别是3米左右厚度的冰层,在过去的四个冬季当中厚度降低了67厘米。

9.Low prices for entry-level sets at the beginning of the hopday season have gone up spghtly because inventories thinned out.假日季伊始,低价的入门级电视由于库存减少价格略有回升。

10.They plucked the long grass and nettles from the tombs , thinned the poor shrubs and roots .他们拔除了坟墓上的茂草和荨麻,砍断矮树和根株。