




1.约克大学 more 加拿大职业分类表NOC解析 加拿大学院不等于中国大专 英属哥伦比亚 …

2.加拿大约克大学 ... 49 约克大学舒立克商学院 York University:Schupch 44 德州农工大学梅斯商学院 Texas A & M University:Mays ...

5.美国约克大学在美国约克大学York University)读了一年之后,他决定休学追求致富之梦,开始做好几种生意。每一次都希望自己赚大钱, …

6.毕业于约克大学2006 年毕业于约克大学York University)视觉艺术(visual Arts)荣誉生。毕业后,于乔治布朗学(George Brown College…


1.Nouriel Roubini of New York University said the UK data suggested "the risk of a double-dip or long-term stagnation are not done forever" .美国纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)的鲁里埃尔•鲁比尼(NourielRoubini)表示,英国数据表明“二次探底或长期停滞的风险尚未永远消失”。

2.Neal Weiner of New York University said, "If this holds up, the L. H. C. is going to be producing some fantastic results. "纽约大学的尼尔·维纳表示:“如果行得通的话,大型强子对撞机肯定能产生一些不可思议的结果。”

3.New York University hosts the yearly mystery concert presented by the Program Board, and the best part is all shows are free.纽约大学的计划委员会每年都举办神秘演唱会,而最好的一点是,所有节目都是免费的。

4.Attended New York University 's Tisch School of Arts as a film major for a year .曾于纽约大学艺术学院电影专业求学一年。

5.Wafaa Bilal, an assistant arts professor at New York University, said last week that a small camera had been put into his head.瓦法?毕拉尔是纽约大学的艺术老师。他上周表示头部内装了一个小摄影机。

6.Johnson learned about the contest from his son, a New York University film student, and decided to enter on a whim.约翰逊从他在纽约大学学习影视的儿子那里了解到这场竞赛,并决定实践这个念头。

7.In 1941 he took up a teaching post at Bennington College and later moved to New York University.1941年起,他先后任教于本宁顿学院和纽约大学。

8.Dr. Zou is highly regarded by his colleagues as the Director of Pain Management for Bellevue Hospital with New York University.邹医生现任纽约大学贝露芙医院的痛症管理主管,备受同侪赞颂。

9.Since two thousand one, New York University has been sending more students abroad than any other campus in the United States.年以来,纽约大学派出的留学生人数在美国一直都最高。

10.She was a quapfied registered Nurse and wanted to take a Master's Degree at New York University in Nursing Education.她是一个合格的注册护士,并希望借此在纽约大学护理教育硕士学位。